Chapter 8

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It was Monday and I woke up without Chloe by my side. She always wakes me up before going to work and we walk together. I looked next to me where Chloe had fallen asleep. There was a yellow sticky note left on the sheets.

You got a message from the studio that it's closed because of water problems. I thought you want to sleep a little longer so decided not to wake you up. I have a longer day today so I'm going to be at home at about 6pm.
Love you!!
Chloe Beale

I read the note. It was totally normal for Chloe not to wake me up but it was not normal for her still sign the note with her full name. I've told her a billion times that I don't like it but she is still doing it.

I got out of my bed two hours later. This was finally a day off for me and I wanted to spend it doing something better that laying in my bed and ordering pizza.

I decided to call my dad and talk to him about me and Chloe. Picked up my phone and pressed the numbers of my dad's phone number. I haven't talked to him for so long. He never called so I never thought I could just call him. I waited for a few seconds. He was not picking up and I started to get nervous. What if he doesn't want to talk to me? That would be really stupid because I actually miss him. Even how much I don't want to admit that.

I heard a signal and his voice from the other end of the phone. He wanted to talk to me!

Dad: Oh, hi Beca! I was not expecting you to call. I thought you already forgot your old father.

Beca: No, don't say that. I've just been really busy. I have a job now and a normal life. I am actually really happy with the way I'm living now.

Dad: That's really sweet! I'm happy you're happy.

Beca: Thanks. I have another thing I want to tell you!

Dad: About your romantic life?

Beca: Yeah, kinda!

Dad: Go ahead. I am ready for anything!

Beca: Umm, well, I have been in a relationship for a few months. Ummm, with a girl.

Dad: Beca! Don't start with your stupidity again. You know it's not okay in our family. You should not date a girl. Get yourself a normal guy again, Beca.

Beca: But my girl is beautiful, kind, smart and everything that you would like.

Dad: Come on, Beca. Who is she?

Beca: Uh, Chloe. Chloe Beale.

Dad: Her! Really?

Beca: What's wrong now? She was your favourite student. And you know that she's smart.

Dad: I just don't want you to be in a relationship like this! It's a huge shame for our whole family. Your mom was already bad with her bisexuality so she left our family. You don't want me to tell everyone that you don't belong with us anymore?

Beca: Why are you like this? I have a life too. I have feelings. And I want to love whoever I am in love with. And it just happens that I am in love with Chloe! I can't change that!

Dad: I don't care.

And he hung up.

I stared at the lightly blue wall. There was nothing good in my life at this point. Or that was what I felt after I  had almost been kicked out of my family because I loved a girl.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I mumbled to myself, "I just fell in love. It wasn't my decision to do it. I just started to love her one day and now we're together. And Chloe doesn't need to know this because she's already stressed and wants to have some peaceful time at home."

I stood up and took my coat. I tried to dress trough the tears that were streaming down my cheeks and neck. I took the keys and slammed the front door open.

"I need to have some time alone too!" I said locking the door and walking down the long street.

There were ashy lights all around me as I  opened the doors for the local bar.

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