Chapter 12

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We all finished our lunch and sat up from the table. Me and Beca layed down into our bed and cuddled closer to eachother.

"Who was he?" I whispered into her ear.

"Someone who I wanted to produce an album for." She whispered back trying not to sound disappointed because her plan failed.

"Why did you take him to our apartment? You know that this could have happened." I asked her carefully.

"I didn't know Amy was going to be at home. It could have worked if she wasn't. But, as always, she doesn't tell us when she comes or goes." Beca said sounding angry.

"It's going to be fine right. It wasn't that big of a deal?!" I asked and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Yeah." She whispered before drifting away in a peaceful sleep.

The next morning me and Beca walked together to school. Our conversation was all about our parents. My dad had apologized for what he had said and told me that he loves me. I was so happy about it. I told Beca but all she did was start crying. I knew that was because her dad didn't except her. But he might and maybe I just have to talk to him. I thought about it but decided not to call him. I was too afraid. Our ways split as we walked up to my school. She kissed my cheek quickly and left to go to her work. I walked into the school. My first lesson was with the seventh graders. They were the kids I was the most honest with. They knew way more about my personal life that I had ever expected to tell anyone.

My life as a teacher was a bit strange but nice at the same time. I liked the kids and the kids liked me. Some of the teachers were not so happy about the way I teach or the way I live. But that was understandable too. Everyone is allowed to have different opinion on things. Kendall was the first teacher I talked to and is still my best friend at work.  She has helped me deal with teachers and kids who had a problem with me. Kendall was the main teacher for the fifth grade.

I was sitting at my desk in the class as some kids started coming in and saying good morning to me.

After a few minutes I started the lesson and we sang songs. There were about half an hour left of the lesson when I let the kids practice their performances for the show they had next week.

That show had me in a lot of stress. Everyone wanted me to sing a song too and I felt like I had to. I am still thinking of maybe taking Beca with me to sing. I haven't asked her but I will probably do it.

I sat down at my desk again to check my phone. There was a message from Beca. I tapped on it and saw that she had sent me a picture. It was a screenshot of a text message her dad had sent her.

Hey, Beca.
I know we haven't talked in a bit since that call. But I want to make thing right with you again. I thought you maybe wanted to come and have a dinner with me. It would be really nice if you said yes. Just please don't bring Chloe with you. You know that I don't support it and I don't want to see you together. I am not trying to say anything bad about Chloe I just don't want to see her.
I love you Beca
Your dad.

Beca had added a middle finger emoji to that screenshot and I knew she ment it for her dad. I could feel a tear drop from my eye. I wiped it off quickly before anyone could see it but Annie had noticed it and asked me if there is anything wrong. In a normal situation like this I would just say that everything is fine but this time I felt that I had to talk to someone. And if the only people that I can talk to right now are seventh graders that I am going to do it.

I told them everything and to the end of my speech everyone was listening. I felt tears just streaming down my face.

Annie and Eisa both stood up and walked over to me to give me a hug. These were the nicest kids I have ever met.

"Have you tried talking to him?" A boy asked from the place he was sitting.

"I don't think he wants something to do with me." I said trying to explain.

"Have you ever talked to him?" One of the girls wondered.

"Yeah, he was my teacher in university for seven years." I said smiling a bit at the kids.

" Call him," Another girl said. "You will fell way better after you have talked to him about it!"

"I will try!" I smiled at them and everyone continued with what they were doing before.

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