Chapter 3 - "Cold War"

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          After WWII, the two great Global Superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, are starting to hate each other. The reason for the hatred against the 2 is because of their different ideologies. The US loves capitalism and the USSR likes communism. Both of them are also influential to the entire world as they are the only superpowers during the time. America has a lot of friends around the world, from Europe to Asia, and spreads the idea of democracy and capitalism while the Soviet Union also has a lot of friends in said continents spreading his communist ideologies. "Hey stupid comie, don't come to my west Germany, he has suffered enough. Why not join the western ideas of capitalism and democracy?" America told the Soviet Union, "Xaxaxa, capitalism is cancer of global world. It make rich richer and poor poorer, communism is of help everyone! Share op wealth to all and none corruption, hehehe...." replied the Soviet Union. "Well whatever, I will find a way to demonize your ideology, don't cause ruckus anywhere ok?" America stated. "Da you cyka, anyways I build of wall here on east west german line of border" the Soviet Union said. "Go ahead! I will just make more of those bombs I made which I dropped on Japan" America replied. "Huh, what bomb? Thank for making me idea of new researches, I make many of bombs to fight you good" the Soviet Union stated. "Mein Burder, vhysplit of us? Vhy we are 2 of nations?" the democratic west Germany asked hisother half. "I don't of know reason bruder, but mein friend iz teaches me ofcommunism. It seems of great zystem" east Germany answered. "Einmal, one day,we Germany ist one nation und rich but not evil , we vill help more othercountry" west Germany hoped. One day, the Soviet Union helps North Korea invadethe South, "Hahaha you rittle south is weak and I am strong! I am true korea!Join now me and be one with my believe communism" said North Korea. "No I don'twant be with you! Sociarism is end op me, capitarism is good" replied SouthKorea. "Hey there friendly ally, what is happening? Oh no, this is the SovietUnion's doing... grrrrrr I told him NOT to cause any ruckus yet he has done this?Why am I the only one who saves nearly everyone's asses when evil causes uproar?Just wait you ruskis, I have stockpiled a lot of those bombs" said America whois annoyed of the Soviet Union. "Xaxaxa you think you only one make and stockatomic bomb? I hab research of nukes now ti cyka! Me is no fight, let chill,let be cool. Let enjoy other country fight for fight against differentideology" the Soviet Union replied. North and South Korea didn't change afterthe war and still have tensions against each other. China which was ademocratic republic, became a communist after he has been influenced by theSoviet Union, "Haha my ching chong eyes rike communist views more than of yourcapitarist! I wirr be of reforming my country" said China. Cuba is now influenced with communism and theSoviet Union secretly makes nuclear missile there. "Surely the capitalist ofscum won't notice my build missile here, thanks you Cuba for hiding missile inyour area" the Soviet Union said to Cuba. "No problem comerade, all for themotherland! Thank you as well too of help me became communist! Best thing happenedin my entire life and enlighten me good" Cuba replied. In Asia, Viet Minh withthe help of the Soviet Union invade Viet Cong just like what North Korea did,"Communist is op best! Just join me my brother, you are op great if you alsofollow communist!" said Viet Minh. "No, democracy is op way to be good developcountry. I will call my friend now to help op me fight you" Viet Cong replied. "Argh!WHY IS THE COMIE CAUSING WARS EVERYWHERE? DOES HE WANT ME TO DECLARE WAR?Alright I better keep my cool, so Viet Cong huh? Well another friend in need Ishall help." America said more annoyed than before. Viet Minh and Cong continuefighting, although the winner wasn't really clarified but America technicallylost to the rice farmers of the north. Then Viet Minh rushes towards Viet Congand merges together to make Vietnam. "Haha, poor America... lost to rice farmerme! Communism great! No one shift my ideals no more, it is set on stone!"Vietnam shouted with pride. "Damn, I lost to those rice farmers, even with mynapalm they won... I will never forget this, may it haunt me forever in form offlashbacks" said America in a sad manner. Back in North America, the US walksaround and spies on the Communist nation of Cuba hoping to see some good stuff,but he found something opposite of good, several nuclear silos. Therelationship between America and the Soviet Union worsens and tensions arehigh, war is bound to happen. "HEY COMIE! WHY ARE THERE NUKES IN CUBA'S CLAY?!"America complained. "Xaxaxa just in case of you attack me or declare war on me.I take precaution because you also have atom bombs" replied the Soviet Union."Okay, let us make a deal. Let's reduce our total stockpile of nuclear warheadarsenal drastically to keep it cool. Sound alright to you?" America proposedthe idea to the Soviet Union. "Ah, cyka, alright I agree with you, but I keepstill several just in case you are betray me" the Soviet Union said. Tensionsare still high but it remains cold, several proxy wars happen all over theworld. The Soviets made plans of sending a satellite to space to show Americawho is better. When America learned what they were going to do, the space racehappened. "Xaxaxa, I has sent sputnik 1 and 2, later the first dog and thefirst man. The Soviet Union became advanced in space technology but the US hascaught up. "I don't care if you were the first to send those things to spaceand whatnot, but I will surely beat you in this space race. BY REACHING THEMOON FIRST!" America stated. America started working hard on a rocket strongenough to handle his weight and engineered it to be able to send him towardsthe moon. When all struggles were done, he finally did it, he sent himselftowards the moon and back. "Haha stupid comies, I have done it! I went to themoon and you didn't. Just agree that you have lost to our space race." Americatold the Soviet Union. "Grrrrr... alright, I hate accept of defeat but I admit ticyka won" the Soviet Union replied. After the space race, both sides of Germanyhad enough of being separated. "ICH HAVE ENOUGH OF ZIS! MEIN BRUDER! LASS UNSBREAK ZE BERLIN VALL! LET US OF UNITE ONCE MORE!" west Germany cried. "JA! ICHHATE OF OPRESSIONS UND ABUSE OF COMMUNIST RULE!" replied east Germany. Both ofthem destroyed the wall one by one, and when they finally met, they teared upand rejoiced. They then merged into Germany once more, but this time, heregrets what he did in the past and is now neutral to everyone. Most communistnations have changed a lot ever since and communism is slowly deteriorating andfalling apart. The once global superpower, the USSR, is now weak and a breakingapart. "Argh, capitalist swine, you won of cold war, I will of now destroy orleast lessen my nuke stockpile" said the Soviet Union sadly. "See? Democracyand Capitalism is the best! In your face commie!" America bragged. "No need toscream face of mine, you are worst of worst America... goodbye" said the SovietUnion before he split into several countries and one being Russia. The Cold Warwas over, peace has been restored, it was a war which didn't happen. They hopea 3rd world war wouldn't happen. What's next? 

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