Chapter 4 - "Terrorism"

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          Major conflicts have ended, but a new danger is rising. Terrorism is the new rising danger, mostly inspired by Islam Jihadists. Terrorism can endanger every country especially those which are peaceful. "Finally, freedom for all! I have finished business with Russia." America said. Suddenly, he hears gunshots where Afghanistan stands. "Of comies begone! ALLAHU AKBAR! Islam great of all! TRUE RELIGION! I of now will begin caliphate!" al Qaeda shouted out loud. "NO, DON'T DARE CAUSE WARFARE IN THIS AREAS, I WARN YOU!" America warned. "Hehe, as if I follow of you, I do what I want!" al Qaeda replied. Al Qaeda soon terrorizes areas in Afghanistan, "I need op help! Some beard man is attack of me! Help help help!!!" Afghanistan screamed. America soon noticed this "I cannot allow terrorism to run around this world, I have to be the hero again and give freedom to Afghanistan. Time to invade!" America said while he prepared for battle. "Hey, al Qaeda, stop now in the name of democracy! You are ruining peace in this area. Let the others have rest after that long cold war that comie and I created." America told to al Qaeda. "Ahahaha you think I of do you say? I want op create Islamic state, you cant of stop me." Al Qaeda answered. "Well you have been warned, prepare for war because that's what you are getting." America said. America tried his best with the help of several other countries and his former enemy, Russia, but they couldn't suppress al Qaeda. Many other terrorist groups where inspired from al Qaeda, just like Abu Sayaff and Taliban. Years of battles have passed and the public safety has been endangered. "Ah, I don't know what al Qaeda is doing now but for now, I'll be chilling just right here on my clay" said America. "Huh, what's that on the distance? Uhm, 1... uhhh... 2 planes... toy planes! Wait why are there 2 remote controlled planes coming towards me? Well whatever, I'll just be here chilling with my newly built sand twin towers. I would love to have it here for everyone to see" America stated. The two remote controlled planes flew closer to America and as it got very close it collided with the twin towers, each plane on each tower. "ALLAHU AKBAR! T'was me of do that! Sorry America but you are of stupid" al Qaeda said as he claimed responsibility. "AL QAEDA! ITS YOU AGAIN! GRRRRR I NEED TO STOP YOU BECAUSE YOU THREATEN WORLD PEACE!" America shouted. America invaded the country where al Qaeda is with the help of other countries again. This time, they have finally stopped them from terrorizing other countries. But al Qaeda influenced and inspired a lot of other terror groups to do the same, the most infamous one is ISIS. "Okay, of now I declare caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Allahu Akbar! We will fight in jihad for our people" ISIS said. "I wonder how much of a threat ISIS is, I originally created him just to invade oil rich nations. Without him, I wouldn't have control on those countries with lots and lots of oil" America wondered. "So op today, I will bomb countries. He proceeds to go to France, "ALLAHU AKBAR" ISIS said as he exploded. "Help of me! Le baguette needs of help! I am bombed from goat loving people!" France exclaimed. "Who did this?" America asked. "I of claim responsibility of bombing! I spread my caliphate on most of world!" ISIS shouted. "How could you attack my friends, you have a lot of trouble coming stupid terrorist" America said. ISIS then goes to Belgium and Indonesia just to do the same. "STOP! JUST STOP! THINK OF THE PEOPLE! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THEM? JUST PURE TRASH?" America asked angrily. "They op low rank because they no join me in caliphate" ISIS replied. ISIS then stirs up conflict in the Philippines, "Okay, Maute proclaim of Marawi as center of SEA caliphate. Also get help of Abu Sayaff, old friend of my also friend al Qaeda" ISIS told Maute. "Allahu Akbar! Sir yes sir! Okay op my Pinoy jihadist, let us do this!" Maute said. "I now declare martial law op you bobo ISIS! Eat my puto with tsokolate before I kill you" the Philippines declared. "Hey, old friend, need help cleansing your clay from terrorist?" America asked. "Me op no need of help from Amerika! Me fight alone with nasyonalismo in my side. Please don't put of nose in my business, you op judge my drug on war" the Philippines replied as he declined America's offer. "Fine! Suit yourself, I will send my men to other countries that need them more than you!" America mumbled. The Philippines has defeated Maute and Abu Sayaff groups. With the global effort, ISIS clay territory has become smaller day by day. Terrorism won't end because it is caused by insurgent forces within a nation. The only way to end terrorism is if the entire world is united as one but even that will make it more dangerous as everywhere you go, everyone will have different beliefs. Terrorism is very dangerous as it is unknown where and when terror groups would attack.

Wars have had happen way back in the past, but it has been innovated very quickly. War got more dangerous over time but after the Geneva Convention, they have created war rules to limit the destruction and to not eliminate every living countryball in the face of the planet. War may be reduced but never stopped.

World at War, and it always will be. 

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