*Christmas Love

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Ah, EXO-L, it has grown cold once again. Isn't it strange though that, when I'm with you, I feel all warm and fuzzy? No lie, I swear! Your touch must be magical because it always does unexpected things like this...

EXO-L, it's Christmas Time again but this year, the air has me drunk in love. Is it too early to say those three dreaded words? Will you believe me if I swallowed away the fear and let it all out? Will you stay or will you run away? You see, you are the best Christmas gift to me and I want the same gift every year. Silly, right? But that's just how I naively feel...

The world has once again put on its winter coat. It's the same white scenery that you find in books, songs, movies or at your grandparents' place. It's familiar, in a nostalgic kind of way, leaving you breathless just from watching it. But this year, with you in my life, Winter feels different; the falling snowflakes seem to sparkle and the festivities look even more jolly... all because of you. But all this natural beauty does not even come close to the spectacular sight that is your smile as you hold my hand. The smile that only appears with me, right? Well, it makes me want to keep you forever. Does that sound selfish to you? Ah, uri EXO-L, why are you so cute all the time?

Once again I tell you to keep warm and be healthy, but I wonder if I can be like this. So much time in each other's company but it just never feels enough... I'm really curious about whether you actually like me or not? I don't really know if in your life there is something that actually has your heart racing. Am I up to the level yet? It scares me to think of you ever leaving, of you ever getting bored of me. But can I really keep you with me eternally?

You've been waiting for me a lot, haven't you? More than I wish you would. Tonight though, I will make up for it. Tell me EXO-L, will you like my gift? Oh, give me a chance please!

Jingle Jingle Bell, here we go again. Christmas carols accompanied with warm smiles. People hold each other's hands across the street and their eyes glow with happiness, but you know what? The only hand I want to keep holding, even when my voice will fail me in the old days, is yours. I can feel its warmth in mine, us walking down the block and wishing that the journey would last longer. Is it a ridiculous dream to wish to take you to my world, to run away from everyone and just be with you? Do you dream of such a dream too? I dare not ask you.

Started on a weekend in Summer; I was looking for motivation, life feeling like a prison. You see some people don't need words to be heard and that is just the type of person you are. I found a lunch box in my hand, homemade cookies on which was my name. Little note at the bottom, a cute drawing of a girl giving her heart to a boy. And maybe you were not serious back then or maybe the problem was in my interpretation, but the moment had me staring at the ceiling with tears threatening to fall. Ridiculous, said my manager. But that small gift felt like home and it's been the same every day since. There is now something new to look up to and for that I am thankful.

​​​​​​Everyday is a mystery but nothing can go wrong when you're by my side. Yesterday, today and everyday, I shall sing a song for you, hoping that through the melody you can hear my heartbeats. Every boom is for you just like every thought is of you. Please let me hold your hand, always.

[EXO-L:] I'll be up soon. Don't go, okay? [EXO:] Don't worry. I'll always wait for you. [EXO-L:] I'm up!

You walk in with a smile on your face. Wow, EXO-L! You look so pretty today! Is it the magic of the day because I just fell in love all over again. Please, don't go away! I want to see you smile everyday, the moon bears witness to my true feelings.

As always, your arms find their way around me and I don't want to let go. Can you hear the chaos in my chest every time we are so close? Well, I can see your eyes sparkling with happiness when you finally pull away. But I don't want any distance between us so I pull you closer and wrap an arm around your shoulders. Call me possessive but I want everyone to know you are mine. But can I really call you that? Today, I don't want to hold back anymore.

As always, the words naturally flow in between us and it feels like we have known each other forever but I know that the both of us are counting the hours secretly. How can we not when we have both awaited this moment for so long? It's hard, isn't it?

So we talk about the past, from our dreams to our fears. The memory of us is far more beautiful to remember so through the hard days, I tell you to remember the beautiful us. You chuckle against my chest, saying that, indeed, us together is a beautiful thing. In me, you say, you've found a friend and strength, words that warm my heart. I hold you tighter because I can't find the right words to answer to that. You are my muse and my motivation, that one thing that makes me me. Without you supporting me constantly, I would be nothing. But EXO-L are you really there with me?

Somehow we end up trapped in our own time. This is better, I think as I rest my head on your shoulder. And as fear swallow away the words, we stare at our shoes but our gloved fingers remain intertwined. The stars above our heads shine brighter than ever, you say out of nowhere. Do you know though that there is no brighter star than you? Uri EXO-L, do you know that you light up my heart?

"I have a gift for you." I say once the clock struck midnight, though I know that you could already tell. The bulge in my coat had been an instant giveaway and you remember my promise from the last time we met.

"Me too." you say, cheeks turning into a bright pink.

I can't help but smile at your words. You didn't have to but you did. It's little things like that that make it hard to imagine life without you.

​​​​I pull out my phone and hand over my earphones. Immediately, your lips turn up. You take it gently, as if afraid it would break, but I can see the sparks in your eyes once the melody floods in. Your face is an open book as you go through the tracklist, your pearly smile not withering one bit.

​​​​​​"All of it is for you."

"I know and I already love it."

Your reaction is just so funny to watch; sometimes you would smile and sometimes you would frown. A few times you would shout, "No, no way!" before chuckling to yourself. But what I like the best are those times when you would just close your eyes with a hand over your chest, as if the music is literally reaching towards your heart. Is it?

"Daebak EXO!" you say quite a lot, tightening your fingers around mine and ignoring the remarks from the other side of the door. It really feels like the two of us are in our own world and I am enjoying every bit of it.

You listen to everything once, twice... The whole playlist is on repeat but your happiness never fades. You loving my gift is all I can ask for but there is one thing I really want and I guess you knew it already...

"EXO, I want to become your EXO-L."

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