*Universe (Korean version)

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[Real life events have been used in this chapter only for entertainment purposes.]


All it took was a day for me to crumble to pieces, all because of you. Yesterday, I felt strong and tall, invincible even in my clothes of silk and gold. Today, I feel cold and lonely in the darkness of my room, ignoring the pleas of the world. I have duties and I know it, but what's the use if you're not there at the end of the day?

How did it end up like this? Where was I wrong? Can't you give me one last chance? Just let me change, please. I'll do anything just to get you back.

I know that sometimes I say hurtful things, that I lie about how I really feel and make it hard for you. But I was having a hard time too, you know. It all felt too overwhelming so I took one glance away. But when I looked back, you were gone... And I know that I've made promises to you, to myself and to the us that should have lived in the old days. But nothing is as it should be; nothing is better.

"EXO, you are so damn cute I could die already!!!"

"May you rest in peace."

I have always loved our little interactions, the way your cheeks would turn pink whenever I would mess with you. Will I ever get to see that again? I don't want to think about the worse, no.

Do you really expect me to forget all about you, just like that? How can I get rid of the thoughts of you, the only ones that have ever mattered? Your smile, your laugh, your cute reactions at everything I do... These emotions can't be broken with a snap of fingers. I feel it all, painfully, and it sweeps over me till I'm overdosed.

In you, there is all that has to be and that is why I need you. You hurt me with your hand but you also heal me with it. Scarred by your voice as we fight beside the fireplace, I know that it's that very voice that makes me feel completely fine despite all the problems. And with you, I both cry and laugh but I don't mind as long as I don't feel alone. You make me question every single thing, from my past to the unknown future, but all I have to do is look into your eyes to find the answers. In you, there is my whole world so if it ever comes to disappear, I shall cease to exist too.

I turn my head to your side of the bed, where the sheets are cold and the pillow rests without a single crease. There was a time when you would be there, lightly snoring from exhaustion. My hand around your waist and your scent on my clothes, this was a sight I would smile to in the mornings. And the nights when we would cozily embrace each other, talking about nothing and everything, how to forget about those? We would dream of the tomorrows but I never knew that you were making plans without me.

I wish that amnesia would seize me in my sleep so that I would not be this miserable once my eyes would open. I would forget about the stupid little things like the sweetness of your lips or the way my heart would flutter all because of you. I would no longer cry the moment I get home; gone would be the pictures of us on the walls or the times when I would just stand there and watch you dance to my songs. Maybe then I would be at peace...

But I don't truly want to forget about you. It would be like erasing the most important aspects of my life, rendering me worthless and weak. I still want to smile thinking about you and dwell in the pain that your absence brings.

I want the countless nights when I held what is mine to stay fresh in my mind. Because on those nights, there was only you and I and nothing else. Our fingers intertwined and your voice ringing in my ears, sweet memories that I need as I wait. Wherever it may be, I will find you.

I think about the days when you would scar me as yours, your nails piercing my skin as your fiery eyes looked into mine. The traces of it all has since long disappeared but it is still here, in my mind. And it will stay there until I can touch you again.

I won't let go of even the slightest memory, no matter how long until we meet again. And when we do, you ain't leaving again... ever.

Eri-ya, I'll search the universe until I find you again. I don't know why you're gone or how I shall find you, but what I know is that this is not meant to be. Your real place is in my arms and mine is in yours. So just like the memories of us come back with each season, I will keep on calling your name. And until I can touch you again, I won't find any peace... Because that is love.

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