Chapter One

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Sighing from exhaustion, I turn from the dirty window, walking past all of the cobwebs and dust. Rubbing my eyes as the others walk past me, leaving me with a few mumbling words of goodbye, smiling softly as they look at me for the last time.

"Goodbye,"I whispered, afraid if I said any louder, the wind will betray me, hollering the words as if they were ghosts or skeletons running after them. Bending down and grabbing my luggage as the bag went slack in my grip.

"(m/r/n), time to get up. You filthy trash!" screeched a voice from down below, quickly I hurried down the stairs, careful not to make too much noise. Once reaching the bottom, I quickly walk to the front door. Where a beautiful lady stood, decorated with colorful fabrics and shining jewels as if they were stars themselves.


Lifting my head as the young lady spoke softly when she herself was a meteor, bringing chaos and ruin to those they touch. While I would simply be a whisper in the wind, a wilted rose in a field of blooming roses. I am nothing, will always be nothing, and forever be nothing, nothing, empty and ready to break if they wish so.

"Go," with that last command, I opened the door and walk outside. The sun blinding me momentarily as I stared. Looking at the various beauties that lined on the side of the path. Hearing a sudden noise that I jump from it and pratically ran to the car where one of the butlers, Haruaki Sato, stood waiting.

"(m/r/n) goodbye and have a safe journey," the butler said, one of the few, very few to hear my voice. I smiled softly at him, whispering goodbye to him, closing the door behind me and waved goodbye. Bowing to me and where I would go to another place, hoping it would be a better one than the one I left.

Gazing outside of the vehicle, seeing passing trees, and rain clouds overhead. When I realized I was staring outside for too long, I quickly look back to my hands. Continuing staring at my lap until I felt the vehicle stop, looking outside to see a church. A man standing on the sidewalk, staring at me, hastly looking back to my lap again. Seeing the door open, I quickly turn to get out but felt hands on my shoulders. Flinching from the touch, seconds of silent that dreaded me of the incoming brutal reality. But I felt soft patting on my head, slowly looking up to the young man smiling softy at me.

Feeling hands wrap around me, and being lifted into the man's arms. Carrying me ou of the vehicle and placing me on the sidewalk. Not daring to look up or even achknowledge the man's questioning or the driver's goodbye to me. Cold fear grip me like vice, and I could do nothing as the man kneeled before me, steeling myself for the incoming hit to come. Once more I was left speechless as the man hug me, he....I....I don't know when I started crying or when it started raining. Nonetheless the man scoop me up and carried me to the church where a young girl waited.

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