Chapter Two

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"(m/r/n), time to get up..."

A voice, an annoying voice calling me out from the darkness, the annoying voice that kept bugging me until I slightly woke up from the sleepy state.

A shame that I had to get up from my blank dream...

Getting up from the heavy blankets that once covered my form, my form that which was lean with muscle, some visible scars showing under my t-shirt. 

"Coming," I mumbled out in my sleepy state, half-awake and half-asleep, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

"Alright,(m/r/n)," the voice said to me from the other side of the door..

Finally getting out of bed, the cushions no longer dented from my weight on it, and so I slowly crawled to my bags, digging out a multi pockets cargo pants, and then proceeded in pulling out a short sleeve grey shirt. Putting on my dark green jacket, the jacket's hood was a different color and instead was a dark brown color. The color of the forest wood, and pulling on my bag. Proceeding to grab my other various things such as a dark blur slightly torn duffle bag that had some t-shirts, two different colors of sleeves. Five blue jeans and three other cargo pants, a thin gray hoodie that was slightly large on (m/r/n) form.

Afterwards putting on my sneakers, a black and white sneakers, and quietly went out the room, softly closing my room. Turning around and walking down the narrow hallway, hearing the slight distant voices, muffled and distorted as my own ears could not pick off what they were saying.

"(m/r/n), finally you're here," said a man in late his thirties that wore turtlenecks everyday, who had sandy blonde hair, dusty tan skin, warm brown eyes that reminded of cocoa in the winter season. Also having sprinkles freckles across his cheeks and nose and a small green birthmark under his left eye. Qwen Oalock couldn't keep a woman for a few weeks. Always a heartbreaker as either the ladies he dated he would cheat on him or break up with him or saying something about how they just want to be friends. I didn't really get it, but hey some of the ladies he met were the devils themselves especially Jana, tall woman with brown hair and hazel eyes. She wore too much perfume, makeup, leather, expensive clothes, and she had a mean temper if you were to cross her. Overall everyone was glad that Qwen broke up with her instead, Qwen was like the older brother you wish you had before you ended in the system.

"Yeah I'm here, Mr. Oalock," (m/r/n) said before he lowered his head, his (e/c) eyes staring down at the oak planked floor.

"I see that (m/r/n), but enough of that now. I want you to meet someone that wants to meet finally," Mr. Oalock said, turning to the door and walking inside the room. (m/r/n) followed after him in small quieted steps, halting as he saw the person.

"Hello, (m/r/n)."

"It's nice to see you again, Mr.Komori..."


Also just wanting to clear the air, if anyone is confused, you, the main character was suppose to go to the Sakamaki manor. instead something had happened, and you were sent to Seiji instead, however years later. You lived with Mr. Oalock, who is your current caretaker like your big brother in other words.

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