W2H Jonathan x reader

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I lived with the haunted teenager Jonathan combs. Yes, I was aware that he was haunted. I guess I just had that special gift that I could hear the dead. Oh no, not the awesome, but overrated power to see them. Nope. Just to hear them. It got kinda depressing when I could hear them cry, but "Sock" was on another level. He would constantly pester Jon. Which, in turn, annoyed the fuck out of me. I could keep sock entertained for a little bit, but then poor Jon was pestered to almost literal death. Then I'd have to cheer him up and tell him that I did care about him. But today was different. And so was yesterday. Sock had begun to pester Jon, only to be silent the rest of all day yesterday. Today he just stopped completely, but I could still feel him there. I decided to investigate, and check on Jon-Jon. I opened his door, not because I don't give a flying fuck, but because I'd seen him naked before. 

'Bathtime.' Don't ask.

Anyway, I walked into his dark room. It was eerily quiet and unsettling. "Jon?" I called quietly. I walked a little deeper into his dark room. Until a quiet voice rang out, "(Y/n)?" I turned and my eyes  adjusted to see the picture before me. Jonathan was sitting in his bed, shirtless, with his comforter across his lower half. "What are you doing in here?"

"You and sock hadn't argued all day, he hasn't pestered you, you haven't eaten. You know, I do care about you so i came to check on you. Gotta problem with that?"

"No? No there's no probl-"

"Bullshit. I call bullshit." I jumped on his bed and planted my legs on either side of his and sat on his lap. "Teeelll mehh le problemo, Jon-jon," I said with an accent. He was blushing, and I guessed it was because of where i was sitting and how I got there. Lol. 

"(Y/n)... you're sit-"

"I'm not moving until I know what the problem is, Jon-jon."

He sighed and stayed silent.

And then, "I'm naked under this blanket."

My eyes widened and I leaped off the bed and looked at my original spot, arms retracted to my chest. "Oh my Satan, I had no idea." My face burned as he burst out laughing, his blush fading. I growled at him. I was younger, but you learn how to embarrass someone when you've known them for as long as ive known John. That and all the sounds of the types of porn he watches coming through the thin walls. It was a form of punishment that I was willing to try cuz he didnt wanna warn me before i jumped on his dick. I lept onto him again but this time closer. I felt mischievous and the thought of revenge turned my grin sinister. I pressed him down and hovered over him on the bed. "(Y-Y/n)?" My eyes looked up at him, keeping my head in the downward position. I hummed in response. "Wha-what are you doing?" 

I growled "You're being punished." He shivered and looked slightly worried before I laid my clothed crotch over his. He wasn't too hard, but he was a little. I briefly wondered if he had a mommy kink. I ground gently against him, enjoying the little grunts and moans coming from him. He grabbed my hips and tried grinding back. "No." I stopped moving, glaring at him looking so helpless and needy. "Hands off," i grabbed his hand and pinned them under my legs. Something must have snapped because he growled, grabbed under my knees and rolled us. The covers fell off his body and exposed me to everything under them. He grabbed my shirt and lifted my body up to yank it off. While my body was briefly off the bed, he scooped an arm under me and unclipped my bra. Letting me fall back to the bed he threw my shirt and bra somewhere I would have to look for later. He got off my legs to pull my jeans and underwear down to my ankles and off, hooking my legs onto his shoulders. I was blushing as he glared at my body naked beneath him. Jon positioned himself between my thighs preventing them from closing. I covered my breasts to stop my nipple from hardening. He grabbed my wrists and put them above my head, holding them with one hand. With the other he traced down from my cleavage to my lower abdomen, then slowly tracing my ribs. He knew I was sensitive in my curves and below my breasts. And he exploited them. I was a squirming mess, but I refused to moan. This was supposed to be his punishment, not mine! Suddenly, he lowered his head and began looking for my sweet spot on my neck, leaving light bites until he found it. A small moan escaped me as I shivered and relaxed. He knew what he did and bit down harder. A moan, not as quiet as the last one but still quiet enough to keep Sock from coming in and being scarred, found it's way through my lips. 

"J-Jon, don't do that."

He smirked against my skin as my hands pulled trying to escape his grasp. He let go of my neck after pulling it a little and nuzzled his face in the crook. He licked it before lifting his head up enough for him to ask, "Is it ok if I start?" I was slightly surprised after all the dominance he's shown over me that he wouldn't have just gone in. I liked that he still wanted consensual sex. Classic sweet Jonathan. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded. He returned to my neck as he let go of my hands to position himself and pull me closer to his lap. He looked down from my neck and prodded around before finding the right hole, pushing in slowly. I shivered when the tip touched, then hissed quietly in pain. The entrance and the walls stretched to accommodate him. I mean, this boy had girth! I felt him stop pushing and I realized I had shut my eyes tight. He wasn't even all the way in. He was letting me adjust, but I noticed that he might be having difficulties breaking a virgin. I needed to help him. I wrapped my legs around his butt and pulled him closer. We both gasped as more of his cock stretched my insides bit by bit. I felt him reach my cervix, and I knew that if I pushed anymore he'd bump the cervix. I was nervous so I didn't press on. Poor Jon was regaining his breath after holding it. "A-are you ok?"

He looked down at me and nodded. He began to grind against me, making us both shiver from the friction. I moaned quietly and released him from my grip, placing my legs next to him and meeting his grinds thus earning a groan from him. He began thrusting a little faster. I gripped the sheets beside me to hold myself steady. I didnt know if hed want me to hold him. He noticed and took my hands and placed them on his shoulders. "Don't rip my sheets." I realized he was trying to reassure me in his own way. I grinned weakly and let out a small moan. Pulling him gently by his shoulders down to me, i nuzzled my face into his neck and bit down slowly. He groaned before thrusting hard, bumping the cervix. I yelped and tears formed. That was where it hurt most. "S-sorry." He kept thrusting though, just slower. Eventually pain turned into pleasure and i was gripping his shoulder again, begging him to go faster. I felt the knot growing, and when Jon twitched inside i knew he was close too. The knot finally broke and I pulled him out just in time. We were panting and lying on his bed, recovering from our highs. He got up to get a towel and cleaned himself and me of our orgasms befor laying back down. He reached reached out and pulled me into a hug to cuddle, the comforter finding its way over us. 

Bruh how much you wanna bet sock teased him about this shit? Nothing because he probably did. Alright you two, its time say goodbye to the readers. BYEEEEEEEEEE. Bye guys. See you on the morrow my lovelies.

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