Size Doesnt Matter (Lady Dian x Fem!Reader 7DS)

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This one's gonna have to be a fluff considering the time frame. This is before they found King so obviously this was before she could shrink. I'm not coming in between their love af it's wholesome and probably the best for Dian. Suck my ass.


I was riding on Dian's shoulder as we scouted ahead of the Boars hat. She was talking about how great Meliodas was and how handsome he was. I groaned and pushed on her ear.

"All you do is talk about him. Have you ever stopped to think about maybe other people find you attractive?"

She shook her head, "No guy finds giant girls attractive. They like small girls that are cutesy and whatnot. Meliodas doesn't discriminate, he-"

"What about girls, have you thought about them?" I interjected.

She stopped walking and looked at me on her shoulder. Her eyes showed a bit of anger, "what person wants to date someone 20 times their size?"

I looked away to cover the blush that hit my face hard. She took it as me being ashamed. "Exactly. "

I bunched my eyebrows and looked back at her, "what?"

She grabbed me off her shoulder and held me rp her face, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE NOT TO HAVE A CHANCE AT LOVE BECAUSE EVERYONE AROUND YOU IS... IS... SIZEST!!" She screamed at me. My ears popped and opened my jaw to pop them again before glaring at her.

"I dont know? I dont know?! I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE NOT TO BE EVEN LOOKED AT ROMANTICALLY BECAUSE EVERYONE IS STRAIGHT OR HOMOPHOBIC AND EVERYONE WHO WANTS ME ARE GROSS PERVERTS," I took a breath before continuing, "WHO ONLY WANT ME FOR SEX!" I glared at her and our watery eyes met. She took a breath, then seemed to process what I said, "straight?"

I sniffled and wiped my eyes on my shoulder. In a gravelly voice I muttered, "I'm (sexuality), Dian. I like pretty girls like you, but most of them arent into girls like me. Or girls at all..." I trailed off looking at the forest beneath us.

She was silent.

I sighed to get rid of my tears and mumbled, "Let me down Dian. I want to walk."

She didn't let go, didn't move, didn't do anything. I glared at her too find her crying.

I cocked my head, "what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I dont-"

"I know you dont." She hiccuped and looked at me questioningly.

"How did you know?"

I smiled sadly, "because I've heard it before. 'I don't swing that way', 'I don't like you like that', or, even funnier, 'I have a boyfriend'." I mocked in an annoying tone. A small smile cracked her frown and smiled brightly back. Even though I was crying on the inside, there was no way in hell I'd be the one to make her cry.

"There was one time I simply held a door open for a girl and she said, 'I have a boyfriend'. And I said I felt bad for her boyfriend," I joked. She giggled and we both wiped our tears away.

I looked at her after she replaced me on her shoulder, "it's ok if you don't like me or if you don't swing that way. I just want to make sure you meet the right person if I'm not them," she smiled until I remarked, "which means keep your eyes open because Meliodas is a perv."

She laughed and tried to defend him as we made our way back to the Boar's Hat.


Sorry guys, shes cute af. 10/10 would smash. But I feel like smuts need to be balanced out with fluffs. That and I did mention the time frame. I'll be renaming this book as a one-shot book but I'll still write lemons. You can request but do it in the dms. I dont see it otherwise.

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