Chapter 8

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Hey look at that i actually posted a song with it.

Finns POV

Noah just busted out laughing so loud that he was rolling on the floor. The idiot.

"Come on and get up. We're going ot a photoshoot." Noah said clearly exited.
"I was nevef notified about a photoshoot?" I am confusion. "Jack you never told Finn? I told you to tell him this two days ago." Sophia eyed jack.

"Oops...Surprise?" "Very funny jack. What time is it anyways?" I asked. "7:15 but the photoshoot isn't until 11:30." Sadie replied.

"THEN WHY THE FUCK AM I UP AT 7:15?" (Honestly story of my life.) "Because evrybody needs to get reddie." (Haha get it? Reddie? Sorry I'll go home now.)

"Will you guys please shut the figgity fuck up?" Y/n said clearly still tired considering we didn't go to sleep until 3:15 am. (Haha get that refence too? I'm sorry im done now.)
"No you need to get up right now wifey." Sophia said. "Wifey? When did this happen?" I am so confused. "Actually a while ago also jack is my son." "Oh."
"Now everyone get up off of your asses and lets get reddie for this photoshoot." (I did it again I'm sorry.)

The next thing i know Caleb is dragging me up off my feet and i look like a wacky and wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man. With my long ass arms. "Get your slow asses up."

"You too y/n your not getting away with this." Caleb seems annoyed it's hilarious. "CATCH ME!" Y/n said as she gets up and runs around my room. "Your childish." "Thanks for noticing gaten." (I lowkey forgot that caleb and gaten were even there. Sorry)
Now as they are running around the room like toddlers I'll get up.


"Now that we are all reddie. I need to ask you guys a question." "Shoot." Gaten said. "Me and Finn never announced us dating. If we all do a photoshoot and a random stranger a.k.a. me is in it don't you think it would be a little strange to the fans?" "Well why don't you just tell them? On live maybe?" "Wow Noah that is the smartest thing you've said all morning." "How would you know you've been sleep the whole time." "BURNNNNN." "Whatever let's go live." "At this time?" Finn said still highly confused. "Yes finnie the pooh at this time."

Notification finnwolfhardofficial just went live*

Finns POV

"Hey guys! How are ya?" I sound like a happy idot. Usernamefromspain-you seem awfully happy today. Shit they noticed. "I have a big announcement to make!"

Usermuser-tell me the anticipation is killing meeee.

Superdupercomputer-Tell me tooo.

"I have a girlfriend! Y/n come here!" "Hey guys!" She can not try at all and still look beautiful.

Stilluruser-she is wearing the ugliest effing skirt i have ever seen.

"Haha mean girls refrence funny but I'm not wearing a skirt sorry to burst your confidence bubble." "Damn y/n the level of sass." "Oh i can do better than that."

You'llfloattoo-shes beautiful.

"Thank you very much you'llfloattoo people like you are greatly appreciated." you could do so much better with me than that slut.

"Really? Hows that working out for ya? Also you have no idea about my past to have the right to call me a slut." "Y/n your on fire!" "I do my best."

Whatislife-why is she even here?

"Good question why am i here? I'm here to stop all the haters who come on other peoples lives and comment rude things because they have nothing better to do. Y'know i have an idea maybe you should get a life?" "Oh shit y/n!"

Nottobedramatic-your so ugly i could kill myself.

"Uhhh i don't think thats a good idea I've tried it and it's not very fun besides there is much better things you could do like leave the live possibly? No? Just a thought."

Hatersgonnahate-why are you even with this depressed bitch anyway? Shes tried killing herself once why not actually follow through with it this time.

"Umm I'm not gonna kill myself I'm good. But maybe you should come back to me when you are doing something better with your life than criticizing somones mental illness. Sorry not sorry." "Wow I didn't know how toxic this fandom was maybe i should've kept this relationship private. Anyways I'm ending the live on this note. Goodbye all the loyal fans." "Goodbye"

"Well that was the worst live i have ever been on. Y/n are you ok?." "Yeah I'm fine I've delt with haters all of my life so ive kind of adapted to it." "Well thats not very fun now is it?." "Nope but I'm fine." "Promise?" "Promise."

And thats the note I'm going to leave it on. Until next time.~The writer.

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