| f o u r |

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| f o u r | - Apology

"Wow, that fast?" Mrs. Ellis exclaimed, surprised at Scarlet's swiftness in writing what she needed to do better.

Scarlet smiled proudly. "Yes, ma'am!"

"It seems like the pond really does work," mumbled Mrs. Ellis to herself, satisfied that her plan was a success. "I know what to do now with my future kids, then."

Scarlet felt happy. No, she felt ecstatic. She had never been so eager to prove that she was wrong and wanted to change.

"Mrs. Ellis?"

The teacher turned from her desk. "Yes, Scarlet dear?"

The little girl gnawed on the inside of her cheek as she began to speak. "I'm here to say sorry for what I've done, ma'am. I understand my mistake, and I'll never do it again."

Mrs. Ellis's eyes softened at her student's genuine apology.

"Oh, honey, you don't have to be sorry." She stroked Scarlet's red hair. "I'm the one who's truly sorry. I really didn't want to send you to the pond, but I had to, because it's only fair that I do it."

"No, no--I've learned my lesson!" Scarlet pushed her teacher's hand slightly away in a gentle manner.

The teacher smiled contently. "Well, I'll be here if you ever need me. Now, go color with your friends."

But I don't have any friends.

Instead of saying what was truly in her mind, Scarlet nodded and hopped back into her seat.

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