| s i x |

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| s i x | - No More

The drawing looked magnificent.

At least that was what Scarlet had thought of her masterpiece.

She excitedly hopped to the kitchen and hollered, "Daddy? Can you look at my drawing? Pretty please? Pretty please with extra cherries on top?"

When there was no reply, Scarlet tried again and peeked over at the table.

"Daddy? Pleeeease--"

She stopped in mid-sentence when all she found was her parents near the table and in the middle of some kind of a heated discussion.

"I can't take this anymore!" Scarlet's mother screamed, tearing at her hair in frustration.

Her father scoffed. "You think you're the only one who thinks that you can't take it anymore? Well, I'm the one who can't bloody take it anymore!"

"You know what?" Her mother said quietly, squinting viciously through slitted eyes. "I'm done. I'm leaving. I'm packing my bags and leaving."

"Where? You know very well that you can't even survive this world without me!"

"Someplace where I know I'll never see you again."

Okay, then, Scarlet thought to herself. Mommy's going to another one of those--what do you call it?--conference thingies.

"Bye, Mommy! I'll miss you!" She smiled cheekily at her mother.

Her mother did not even look at her as she stomped to her room to pack up her belongings.

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