Welcome to the Academy

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"Really?! This is the fifth time!" Ellie screamed as Maddy yet again dropped there food in the fire.

"It's not my fault!" Maddy yelled receiving a glare from, Ellie. "Ok. Maybe it is but, that doesn't stop the fact you haven't helped me cook this whole time. I've set up the fire-"

"That Alfie made-"

"I cooked the food-"

"and destroyed it-"

"I even remade the food five times."

"Ya. Because you destroyed the food five times." Ellie explained.

"That still dost explain why I have to cook and not you. If I remember correctly you cooked most of the meals in your household."

"So did you. Plus, you volunteered." Maddy grunted in response. "well I'm not cooking again for the night. I'm going to sleep." Maddy told Ellie walking off. I guess it was time for Ellie to go to sleep as well. Ellie and Maddy had walked two hours before finding a small cave. 

It was big enough to fit all three of them. Once they had set up camp Ellie changed into some clothing that Maddy had. It was only an old t-shirt and some pants. But, it was better than wearing the dress. Alfie was now curled up next to Ellie asleep. We have lots of walking to do tomorrow. Plus we've been walking all night (well most of it). So goodnight. With that thought in her mind, Ellie drifted off to sleep.

When Ellie woke up her face was hit with blasting heat. That's weird Elie was sure she was in a cave not outside with the sun. Ellie cracked her eyes open what she saw made her heart stop. the scene in front of her was the classic I forgot to put out the fire and now my dragon started a wildfire cliche. Ok, maybe it wasn't that likely this happened but that didn't stop the fact that while Alfie had been sleeping she had blown a wisk of fire forcing the already made fire to grow bigger. Sparks flew towards bushes that then would catch on fire. Ellie was hit with the realization that Maddy, Alfie, and Her were stuck inside the cave. About to be burned alive.

"Maddy! Wake up were about to die!" Ellie screamed trying to get her friend to wake up. "Leave me alone," Maddy grunted. 

"Fine. Well, im just going to let us be burned to ashes if that's what you want."

"Ughh why can't I ever sleep," Maddy said slowly getting up. When she noticed what was going on her eyes widen.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner!" Mady yelled. Ellie glared.

"That's what I've been trying to do," Ellie said. "Ok, well uhh.. to put out the fire... I might be able to use a water spell on it." Maddy told Ellie.

"A water spell?"

"It's where a Mage can summon water from the humidity in the air. If I do this I might be able to summon enough to extinguish the fire before it attracts much attention towards us or burn us alive. The spell shouldn't be too hard. Its easier than protecting a whole village from demons at least. Also, you might want to train Alfiena how to control her fire while sleeping. Its kinda obvious she caused this." With that said, Maddy left the cave and started saying what Ellie guessed was a water spell. 

"Wow, Alfie you really need to learn how to control your fire-breathing," Ellie said with a sigh to A now fully awake dragon. Sorry, Ellie! It's just hard to control it while I'm sleeping. Plus, with me being the white legendary dragon and all it makes me more powerful. But I promise it won't happen again. Ellie had told Alfie all about the white legendary dragon story on their way to the camp. So, Alfie wouldn't be confused later on.

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