r u l e s a r e m e a n t t o b e b r o k e n

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Minho (Snow) POV

Shit.  shit. shit.shit.

"Felix!" I scream and wait until he barges into my room, hair a mess while wearing pyjamas and his toothbrush in his mouth.
"What's up?" He asks while still brushing his teeth.

"She knows. Rusk knows she's coming to Seoul." I breathe. "What am I gonna do?"

"Tell her the truth." A voice adds from outside, Hyunjin's.

"He's right." Felix points behind him. "Or." He smirks, and walks to sit on the edge of my bed. "You can wait until they come here."

"Felix" I cross my arms.
"You're going to know who she is since she's Korean." He says, ignoring my interruption. "You can meet her, and tell her who you are before she leaves."

"Where do you get all these stupid ideas from?" Hyunjin says, now leaning against my doorframe. "Tell her before she comes Minho. She might get mad at you for not saying who you really are."

I look at both boys.

"I like Felix' idea." I mutter. If I could meet Rusk first, get to know her and allow her to know me, I can plan a perfect time to reveal to her that I'm Snow, and she won't be mad. Hopefully.

"You're both idiots." Hyunjin says, rolling his before walking away.

"Of course you do, I'm a genius." Felix smiles. "Then you can confess your feelings for her and live happily ever after."

"I'm starting to rethink your idea Felix." I say, annoyed.

There would be no love confession, there couldn't be anyways.

"We have strict rules"

"Rules, are meant to be broken my friend." He pats my arm. "And she probably has rules too. But guess what? She'd probably break them for you in a heartbeat. And besides, if no one finds out, what harm could be done?"

"Hyunjin was right, you are an idiot. Get out, I want peace and quiet so I can think." I shoo him away. He steps out of my room, turning back to speak before leaving.

"Hyunjin called you an idiot too."

He runs off before I have the chance to hit him at the back of the head.
It was really happening, I was going to meet Rusk. But she was going to meet Minho, not Snow.

I walk out of my room, Hyunjin was sitting at the counter, eating brownies out of a container with Jeongin.

"Isn't it a bit late for those?"

"Never too late for brownies by brownie boy,Minho." Jeongin smiles, offering me a piece.
I sighed, taking the brownie from him and sit down with the two, each enjoying their pieces of Felix' kind cooking.

"Are you seriously going to take Felix' advice and pretend you're someone else in front of your little girlfriend?" Hyunjin eyes at me, catching a confused glare from the youngest member.

"Little girlfriend?" He asks.

"Rusk." I clarify to him. "My friend from overseas, not my girlfriend." I glare at Hyunjin, who didn't seem convinced by my clarification.

"Oh." He replies, taking another bite from the brownie.

"It would be perfect wouldn't it?" I ask, trying to convince the boys that it wasn't a bad idea so they could encourage me and tell me it would be worth it. "I wait a little while and plan something special to tell her that it's me."

"I think it's cute." Jeongin shrugs.

"You think lying is cute?" Hyunjin snaps at the younger boy before piercing his gaze back at me. "You've been lying for years. What makes you think she'll accept that so easily?"

Suddenly I feel like the most stupid guy in the world. How could I ever look at myself in the mirror again?

"I really messed up." I sigh, brushing my hand through my hair. "What am I going to do?" I ask myself.

"The only thing you can do." Hyunjin answers. "You tell her the truth, and deal with that comes afterwards."

"Oi, Lee Know! Come here mate!" Chan calls after me in english, from his room. I walk past the kitchen and into his room.
He didn't say anything, or even acknowledge my presence. Instead he nudged at his computer screen, and turns up the volume for me to listen.

It was an asian girl, sitting at an interview. Soft features, dark hair bleached in a blonde ombre. I was already expecting the obvious, of who Chan was showing me on the screen.

" So you are nineteen years old, Born in Korea, but grew up in Canada. And now here you are, in Los Angeles to pursue your dream as a singer."

The interviewer spoke with the girl, looking at the cards in her hands. I focused on the captions at the bottom of the screen to follow along what was being said.

"Yes." The girl replied in a timid voice. "Both of my parents are from Korea, I've been living with my aunt in Canada ever since she took me in after my father's passing."

The interviewer gave her a sympathetic look, looking at her cards again.

"Before your official debut with SOLAR, can you share any teasers of what's to come from you and the other girls?"


Her smile, god her smile.

"I can say that most songs are written by us, mostly Claire, she's a fantastic writer and singer. Our debut single will be a ballad song. And we just got told that we have a fun collaboration coming up with artists from another country. We're all really excited for it and we hope that the people at home will cheer us on."

Chan was smiling widely, glancing at me while I stared at the paused video, the girl's face glowing with a smile that made my heart jump inside of my chest.

"Rusk." I say in a half whisper, forcing myself to not burst out in tears. Four years after knowing everything about her, and there she was. God she's even more beautiful than I'd imagined.

"Her name is actually, Catherine." Chan kept smiling.

"Catherine." Her name rolled on my tongue. Perfect, everything about her was perfect. "I can't wait to meet her."


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