t h r e e d a y s

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Seoul had welcomed us nicely with warm weather. We had just finished eating at a recommended restaurant with the boys by our side. The food was amazing, as was the service. I had almost eaten all of my food, and when I was pushing myself to keep eating small bites to finish my plate, Minho had urged me to give up with a laugh.

Out of the four boys that accompanied us, Minho was the one struggling the most to have an open conversation with the rest of my bandmates, leaving me to keep him company during the evening.

Not that I minded, Minho was great company.

The sun was going down quickly. When we stepped outside, the sunset blared at the top of the tall buildings facing us. I reach for my phone, staring at the notifications.

None of them were from Snow.

I couldn't help but feel betrayed by my own bestfriend. He knew I was currently walking in Seoul and yet not a sign of excitement came back to me. But holding onto that hurt would ruin our trip, the collaboration and the amazing memories we were already creating.

Snow had received my message, I would simply wait for a reply back.

I sigh and slide my phone back into the pocket of my pants.

"Still no text from him?" Tris asks, walking up to me.

I shake my head, and force a smile. "He must be really busy."

Tris squints her eyes at me, examining my reaction.

"I can't tell if you're just trying to make yourself believe that he's just really busy."

"I'm not even sure." I admit.

"Well, screw him, then." She shakes her chin up, looping her arm around mine, our shoulders squeezing against one another. "Not literally." she adds and we both laugh.

"I don't know about you girls, but I'm exhausted." Claire says to us. "What's wrong?" She eyes at me.

"Her friend has been ghosting her since we arrived in Korea." Tris explains.

"The one you've been friends with, for years?" She asks, her mouth agape as Tris nods her head.
"That's the one."

Claire reaches her hand out, waving for me to lend her my phone.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you'll never know if you don't try." She nudges her head to the direction of where my phone is. I hand her my phone after unlocking it with the passcode. Her fingertips taps vigorously on the screen, making my heart beat fast.

"What are you going to say?" I ask.

"You" She points a finger at me. "Are setting up a time and day to meet up."

She clicks send, and hands me my phone back. I look at the newly sent message to Snow.


Hey! I'm at JYP building, stray kids are really nice, are you busy tonight?

"Tonight?" My eyes widen as I read the message out loud. "I cant meet him tonight."

Claire smiles, her head tilting to a side.

"I know, and neither will he." She says. "I just want to get him on edge, so he thinks you're eager to meet him as soon as possible. He'll try to settle it as soon as possible."

"You're a genius, Claire."

"I know." She grins.

Stray kids leader, Bang Chan, was the first to walk outside from the restaurant, followed by the three others.

"You girls must be exhausted." He comments.

"It's been a long day." Hannah replies.

I immediately notice Minho whispering into Felix's ear.

"We can part ways here, then." Chan replies.

"Thank you, for bringing us here, Chan." I say sincerely. "We've had a great day thanks to you guys."

"It wad my pleasure, really." He smiles.
His eyes glimmer as he speaks, and I can tell he deeply means what he said. There's a hint of sadness in the way he looks down and scratches the back of his head.
I admire his warmth, the undeniable kindness he spreads around him. After only knowing this guy for a day, I can tell why he was chosen to be a leader.
A great one, at that.

"Until next time." Claire says.

We say our goodbyes, and part ways from the boys. The day had been long and tiring, but eventful and hopeful for our near future while being here, in the bright city of Seoul.

Minho POV

"Felix." I call out to him, interrupting his conversation with Chan as we walked back to our dorm.
Felix stops his steps, allowing me to walk up to him and harshly slamming my hand to his shoulder. He cradles his hand to his sore shoulder, rubbing it as he breathes deeply.
"What was that for?!" He yells.
"For purposely pairing me with Catherine for the collaboration." I snap at him.

Jisung chuckles and Chan shakes his head while watching us bicker in the middle of the sidewalk.
"You have to tell her, Minho." Felix says. "And clearly you need the push."

I roll my eyes, ignoring the pun in his clapback. I show him the screen of my phone, letting them read the message Rusk had sent me earlier.

"Oh." He says. "Damn."
"Well you definitely shouldn't meet with her tonight." Chris says. "You'd definitely freak her out too fast. And we need them in good condition to work with us."

"This is more stressful than our pre-debut era." I clench my jaw whilst staring at the screen, watching the curser flicker, waiting for me to type my reply. She was already seeming upset earlier when we had spoken outside the building.

She felt as if I didn't want to meet her, which was so far from the truth. In that small moment, of just us, I wanted to tell her how much I've dreamt of finally meeting her, speaking with her face to face, too see her smile and to be able to hug her.

But I had completely frozen, unable to admit my secret. I'm not sure what stops me from just telling her. I had been living in a lie with my life during our entire friendship.

She was my sweet escape from all of this. The fame and the hardships being a member of a group brought to me, all of that pressure is gone when I talk to her.
She makes me feel real.

Felix swipes my phone from my grip in an instant. I immediately chase after him, but the kid is too fast and a burst of energy.
"Felix, don't you dare write something!" I yell at him.

He slows down, and I yank the phone from his hands and stare at the screen. My stomach twists in knots as I read the sent message.

That's great!  Can't make it tonight, how about in three days?

I want to throw my phone at Felix's head, I want to throw his limp body to the ground. I feel nauseous as I look up to Felix, who seems ready to bolt in a sprint or hold me while I breakdown on this street.

Instead, Chris grips my wrist, and reminds me to breathe, and that they're are people around us. Suddenly, I'm back to my reality.

I look down at my screen again, and let it sink in.

I have three days to prepare myself to tell Rusk the truth about who I really am, and deal with the consequences afterwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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