A tale of a Captain

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In a galaxy far, far away. Nope, just kidding, it's here in the milky way. It's a story about me, or well my awesome adventure! My name is Andromeda. I'm a space ranger, just patrolling our galaxy. Not really, the job can be very dangerous I am the 1st female space ranger to get stationed on the traveller. The traveller is a ginormous spaceship built by engineers to withstand the coldest and hottest places in our galaxy, except the stars obviously.

The reason why I am the first female space ranger on this ship is because there are not many women who wants to become a space ranger. I don't know why, this is the coolest but the most dangerous job in the space work line. Anyways, lets start with the story.

So, it was almost three years ago, still it feels like it was yesterday. I was out in space, just doing my thing. Patrolling that blank empty space that was before my eyes. Then I heard this drumming sound like a machine and I turned around. There it was. The traveller. Not only was this the most technologically advanced spaceship, this was also the most beautiful spaceship too. I had never seen anything like it. My eyes lit up and my heart began racing. Then my hand began sweating, I felt like I was in love.

I have this awkward personality. If I meet someone I have been looking forward to meet, I get a stutter and say weird thing I know I am going to regret saying later.

The spaceship landed on the platform and I went to the entrance of their platform to greet them and he came out. Captain Christopher Alan Rogers, my celebrity crush. I had forgotten that he was the traveller's new captain. I just looked at him for a solid minute until he walked up to me and I unfroze.

* Hello, I mean hi, sorry, I was about to reach out my hand, but it felt so sweaty, so I decided to nod in approval instead.

* It's okay, no need to say sorry, I am Captain Rogers nice to meet you.

I had never heard or met him this close before. I was in total awe in how amazing he was. I just stood there with my mouth gaping wide open, but then I realized that I had to answer him.

* Yes sir, my name is Andromeda Griffin, pleased to meet you too.

I almost couldn't get a single word out, so I held my breath while talking. After talking he just walked past me and went up to the control room. I just waited until him and his crew had left the room, so I could relax. When the last one had left I sat down on the sofa and just calmed my nerves down for a minute. I got up and I remember taking two steps and then just falling, right on my face. I think I fell unconscious for a minute, but all I know is that when I opened my eyes I was blinded by flashing red lights and the danger proximity alarm was howling. I got up and ran to the control room where the whole crew and captain were just standing, not knowing what to do.

* Something dangerous is coming ranger Griffin!

* You don't say, I said kind of annoyed but intentionally to flirt a little.

I just couldn't believe my own eyes. I WAS ABOUT TO SAVE THE CAPTAIN!

I ran up to the control board to find out what was wrong. My hands just couldn't stop shaking, I got so nervous because of the alarm. I pressed a bunch of buttons that showed me how to fix what was wrong, but instead it showed me really bad news.

* Coming here did you pass through the meteor ring?

I asked him quietly, then I turned around and just looked at him. He went up to the board to see what was wrong.

* I thought we didn't come near any rocks.

We just looked at each other knowing what this means. His ship had flown by some meteors faster than the speed limit and the force of his ship flying past them made them accidentally go the same way as they did, only at a slower rate.

The smaller one got here first, and some went into the engines. So, we couldn't move. I just couldn't stop shaking. Some of the crew members began to panic and some were just standing there in shock. Then some complete moron said

* Relax! This isn't the end of the world.

* No Karen, this is the end of our lives!

Everyone began yelling at each other and I just could not concentrate.


I yelled so loud that I think the meteors slowed down. I just needed some quiet to think.

* THE TRAVELLER! The traveller is our way out.

Everyone looked at me and just stood there. They didn't move or even blink. Then a crewmember, I think she was a mechanic because she had some oil stains on her clothes. She walked up to me and the crewmembers just looked at her like they didn't want her to say anything.

* We used all our fuel to go for joyrides.

She whispered, I almost couldn't hear what she said. My eyes looked at everyone and then I noticed that the captain wasn't there. Then suddenly I heard a loud noise, so loud it shook the entire station. I ran up to the window and I could faintly see the meteors in the distance coming slowly towards us.

* We need to take the fuel of the station and transfer it to the traveller. STAT!

As soon as I yelled out this order everyone started moving and working, we only had five minutes until the meteors would hit the base and destroy everything, so we had to move fast.

We managed to get all the fuel from the station to the ship, but I noticed something, or rather someone was missing. The captain. How could he be missing, leaving his crew alone. So irresponsible. we only had a minute until the meteors came. I went with Karen to look for him. We found him in the control room standing with the control board.

* The ship must be released manually, I need to save my crew.

A small tear ran down his cheek and several ran down mine. Karen had to pull me away, we had to leave. We ran up to the ship crying. The ship door was closing, and we had to jump inside. I just laid there. On the floor. The entire crew was looking at me.

* Where's the Captain?

I couldn't say anything. My heart felt shattered. And I could only imagine how the crew felt.

The ship began moving and we left. The entire ride back to earth I sat on the same spot. With my eyes red and face puffy from all the crying.

This was three years ago, and I am not just the first female space ranger on the traveller. I am also very honoured to be her captain.

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