Ythia Zandona

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Long, long ago in deep space a star exploded. Nothing like the usual because out of that explosion came out two gods. Two sisters, Kaosa and Ordena. They always argued, but at the end they were best friends. Kaosa felt extremely lonely as the only person she knew was Ordena.
One day Kaosa had an idea, she wanted to create and entire world with Ordena Filled with magical creatures that would obey her every need. Ordena said that it would be perfect and started building the basics. They argued so much that about who had the better ideas so they decided to make three worlds, one where each made it by their liking and one where both cooperated.
One year later and they were finished with their own worlds. Ordena was the god of order so her entire world was surrounded by order. Eben the planet was a perfect square. Everything was in perfect shape, in all shades of black grey and white. Kaosa took one look and decided that she did not like it. She ment it was lacking colours and differences. After they went too see Kaosas word. They went in and there were raging fires on one side and paradise on the other, there was mystery and death. It was a chaos. Ordena did the same her sister had done, she did not like Kaosas world at all, so when they went to their still empty planet they decided on what they would include and exclude. Ordena agreed to more colour as she found it beautiful and intriguing as long as there was more likeness across the planet. Kaosas agreed to that if the new planet wasn't square rather flat with floating islands connected by metal bridges. And as they continued they argued and came to agreements and that was how Ythys Zandona was created, the world of light and dark.

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