Chapter 6

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(John Cena POV)

I was running the wallway. I'm so mad! How could she do that to me. I know that yesterday I promised her that I will come with her at the bar, but I had to work my ass off for her. I should have never let her alone in a bar waisted with her ex-boyfriend. Have I not given her enought love? We were together for 5 years and everybody asked me why did I not asked her hand. I feel so stupid. I need Nikki. She made me a better person. Before I was selfish and mean.

Man! I have to go to work. Wait...I know exactly how to get Nicole back.

"Eva Marie."


"I need to kiss you."

"Yeah. Coming"

(Charlotte POV)

I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to wash myself. After I finished doing my business, I went in the bedroom. I had this huge headache. Oh my god! I slept with my freaking best friend last night. What was I thinking! But where is he? Did he just bailed on me?! What the... I just can't believe it. If he doesn't like me then he just has to tell me to my face.

I don't like like AJ. It's weird to think that you slept with your best friend. It was so stupid what we did last night. We were completely waisted. Now I just feel sad that our friendship ended like this. I need a friend like AJ in my life. He is just the best. I love him, but as a friend. I hope that we will still be friends again. I really need to talk to him.

(Renee POV)

As I was walking backstage in the halls at Raw, people were looking at me with dirty looks. I know exactly why. Obviously, because I posted a picture online of me and my boyfriend Corey Graves. Even fans where responding to what I did. I don't feel guilty at all. I'm even proud of myself. The post said:

5 months ago, I meet this amazing man. We have been together since that day. He makes me feel way better than that stupid Dean. I was so happy when he cheated on me, because it was a little bit sad that he thought that I loved him. I never loved him. I used him. I cheated on him. I hate him, Alexa Bliss and especially Bitch Lynch. Also SUCK IT! FUCK YOU ALL!

I love that I have haters. I don't need them in my life, I already have Corey. He is just like me. He also cheated on his fiancé : Alexa Bliss. But she didn't cheat on him, Dean did with Becky! I know exactly what I'm going to do to them. I'm going make their life's miserable! I love doing that to people.

(Dean POV)

MAN! Renee is such a bitch. But she is not my priority, Becky is. I realized that I love her. She is this amazing and beautiful women. I have to tell her my feelings. I want to make it a very special moment. So I'm going to ask my bros: Seth and Roman about it.

(Sasha POV) 

"So what's wrong Bayley?"

"I feel weird when I'm talking to Finn."

"Why? Isn't he your boyfriend?"


"What!? What happened!?"

"We feel out of love"

"I don't know what to say"

"Well there is nothing to say. We are still friends, but it's sorta awkward between us."

"It's just takes time."

"Let's talk about something. So how is it going with Roman."

"Perfect ! He is the best boyfriend ever."

Complicated LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora