Chapter 8

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(Becky Lynch)

Tonight I have a meeting with the McMahon Family and ...... Renee! WOW! I'm so excited! Of course not. Who knows what Renee will do to me. She may kill me like literaly kill me. Maybe I should hire a bodyguard. He has to come every where with me at the dinner. Even when I go to the bathroom. I have to be prepared for tonight. 

I don't even know why we have a meeting with her. Thank god Dean will be with me. Speaking of him. I need to text my boyfriend. I love him so much. He just so sweet.  

Becky : Dean where are you dude? I need you to stay with me.

Dean:  I'm in my hotel room. Are you ready? Btw don't be scared. Renee is like a little cat she won't do anything.

Becky: Ya I'm ready. Actually Renee is not a cat. She is a tiger. 

Dean: HAHAHAHA! You are stressing your self too much babe. 

Becky: Ok so you think that I'm stressing too much. Then let's have a bet. If Renee does something to me, you own me 100$.

Dean: If she does nothing, then you own 100$ and time together in bed. 

Becky: Deal. Even if you lose, tonight we will be having some time alone. Now where is my ride.

Dean: You want to have some now?  Cuz I'm always ready to give you a ride. 

Becky: No. Just come with your car in the parking lot.

Dean: Coming .

(Stephanie McMahon)

At  Paul 'Triple H' Levesque and Stephanie McMahon's house

" Paul did you drop off the kids at my mom's? " I asked my husband

Tonight we have a meeting with some superstars to talk about a new projet we want to try. 

" Yes honey I did" Paul responded

" I don't want to go. I want to stay here with you. It's been to long. We haven't seen each other because of the traveling. I miss you."  He smirked

"  I miss you too. Paul don't make that face. You know me so well. I also want to stay but we have to go my father is waiting for us. "

He pull me in for a hug and went straight to my neck, to my soft place.

" Paul... I want this more than you do." I moaned.

" I can't help myself. You are wearing a red dress. You know how I lose control. "

I stand up and gave him a peck on his lips.

" Let's go Paul. Get up. It's time to go." 

" Alright let's get going."

I seriously thought that he will want to have some fun now. Suspicious. I really hope he won't to anything at the meeting. but I am sure he will. I know my husband. How do you think we made 3 kids. 

In the car

As Paul was driving, I could feel his hand on my thigh. 

" I know what your trying to do." I warned him.

" I am not doing anything. Just touching my wife." He said innocently.

His hand was still on my thigh. He went higher up my leg. My husband started rubbing my inner thigh. We stop at a red light. Paul went further up until he touch my underward. I started to blush. He always know how to make me feel good. Paul had a effect on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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