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anecdote four 

point of view: jackson newhouse

when: the night he came out, 1999

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"guys, what do you think of me?" i wasn't prepared to tell them, i'd thought. 

but these people had been my family for over five years. we were connected by our familial wealth, our boarding school years, and our intense talent of failing our parents. 

"what do you mean, what do we think of you? you're jackson. jackass, as you sometimes live up to, but we love you all the same." i rolled my eyes at lilliana's nickname for me. she'd said it one day by mistake and lord forbid, it stuck. it ended up in our bloody yearbook, that's how much it caught on. 

"i mean, would you stick with me even if you found out i was... different?" i chose my words carefully, trying to tip toe around the elephant i was bringing into the room. 

"dude, is this you coming out, because we figured it out about a year ago." i don't think my face has ever held an expression more filled with shock than at that moment when eddie decided to inform me that the people who mattered most to me did, in fact, know that i liked dick. 

"what th- how the fu- wHAT?!" i looked around at my friends, as they curled up on couches and giggled. 

"you really thought you could escape to your room for a good time and we wouldn't be able to tell your partner's voice wasn't exactly feminine?" 

"are you kidding me, leesh? yes! of course i thought that. i've been freaking out about how to tell you guys, i mean, this has been tunneling a hole in my brain for the past few weeks." 

"yeah yeah, we know. now come on, tell all. has he got a name and most importantly, how big's his little fella?" lilliana got assaulted with pillows as she screamed out, "oi, don't spill my glass"

i guess you could say, it's not your typical coming out story. but we weren't your typical group of friends. that's for sure. 


UMBRELLAS ; logan huntzbergerWhere stories live. Discover now