Chapter 3: Remember

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This is a flashback chapter

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This is a flashback chapter. It explains in full detail of how the character blacks out and get to The Sanctuary. It's not crucial information, just backstory. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.

You hid. That's all you could do. Hiding from the herd of living corpses seemed to be your only option. A shaky switch-blade knife wielded in your right hand as you leaned against an old tractor tire inside the barn. You tried calming your breathing, but it was no use. This felt like the end. You wished everything would've worked out like planned minutes ago.


There was a small handful of people you abide with. Your father is the most important of the group. He helped you with everything: from your first day of kindergarten, your first break-up, teaching you how to drive, and even to the recent evening when you had to peacefully put your mother down after she died. He was your world. Your light. Your everything. Nothing could change that.

"Will ya hand me that box of rounds?" your father asked. Grabbing the faded red package of ammunition, you tossed them in his direction. "Thank you, sweet pea." You laughed at the cute name he used, then continued sharpening the tiny knife he had given you before.

The sky was glowing a subtle orange hue while the sun fell beneath the horizon. As of now, your group resided in tents along the Virginian forest, hoping to find larger confinements soon.

A friend of yours named, Rebekah, returned with dead squirrels and rabbits hanging off her shoulders for dinner. She was the hunter of the pack; very skilled with any gun or knife you could hand her. She set down the carcasses and joined you as you remained to sharpen the blade. "How was your day?" you ask, still watching your fingers moving over the weapon.

"S'alright." her thick Southern accent being heard. "Came across thirty-two Walkers. Killed'em all without a single shot!"

"Damn. That's more than the last run. They're starting to get closer."

"Don't worry 'bout it. Jake'll fuck'em up with no effort." Rebekah chuckled.

"Yeah, but we should really move on tomorrow. All of us deserve a proper bed to sleep in. Hell. We've been living out in the open for almost a full week." you said putting down the switchblade.

"Can't argue with that. I miss the feeling of a nice, warm, bed. What's one thing you miss most?"


"Ya'know, what is the one thing ya miss most of all? Before shit went down?"

"Oh-umm." you ponder for a moment, remembering the past and what today lacks from it. "Honestly, there's a lot, but what probably tops everything would be a hot shower. I haven't had one of those in forever." You exclaim.

"Me too."


The next day seemed like any other. Waking up in a panic to see if a possible corpse came limping towards you or your group. Thankfully this morning was peaceful. You exited your sleeping bag and stretched your arms wide, finding your way to your father's tent. Waking him up, he yawned aloud, blinking before staring at you with a smile.

"Good morning sweetie," he said. You returned the greeting and help him to his feet. You both exit and join some people for breakfast.

"Hey!" a voice yelled from afar. "I found something." Looking over, you see that it is Tyler, a companion who's been with your group for three months now. Everyone sprang up to see what the young man needed to share. "I found an establishment a mile away!" Tyler panted. "There are a few Walkers around it, but we should be able to take them out!" With no hesitation, everyone quickly gathered their belongings and headed north.


In the distance, there was a medium-sized farmstead, which looked big enough for everyone to have their own personal room. With each step, you drew closer and closer to the barn, though it seemed to be in semi-harsh conditions. "Is this place safe?" asked a member.

"Should be," Tyler reassured.

Within minutes, all the Walkers lay dead in the tall grass; the breeze blowing gently through the warm summer's air. The barn was unlocked, surprising to find it this way. Only five more Walkers remained inside, you easily took them out individually and began to rummage around the barn's interior. It was a cute little farm that could've seen better days. The group immediately fit in and found their own space within the settlement.


Hours pass and you begin hearing the familiar low growl of a living corpse. Peering outside, your eyes widen and your jaw drops loose. Not sure if you were seeing properly, you stutter your fathers' name to take a look. He joins your side to witness the enormous herd of roughly forty Walkers.

"Dad! This isn't enough to kill all at once!" you whispered in a panic.

"I know," he admits.

Your heart sank as you call your companions to help keep the ridged doors shut. Each person added their weight to the entrance, but it was no use. Shots broke out and knives flew through the air; a war between the dead and the living broke out. You fought back with so much force, but it wasn't enough. That day you watched your friends get slowly eaten by bastard Walkers.

As the dead made their way closer to you, some would trip over those who feasted upon your group. You managed to spare little time and hide behind a large tractor tire, breaths quickly leaving your lungs. You scanned the room in utter fear until you had the courage to fight again.

A Walker grabbed your arm, whirling back you thought you had taken your final gasp of air, but to your surprise, the corpse fell to the ground. Your father stabbed him in the head, saving your life. He smiled at you for a moment. Eyes lit up as they stared deeply into your beautiful ones. His face was smothered in blood that couldn't be identified as his own or someone else's. Mouth opening to speak, your father's neck quickly spewed pools of red; a Walker delved into his flesh, ending his life on contact.

You scream as you witnessed your world wither away with such ease. You were too distraught to notice that a piece of scrap metal hanging from the barn's ceiling began to cave in on you, causing you to fall on a pile of hay. You blacked out completely. Your fathers now dead body collapsed on top of yours. Walkers flooded the scene and ate happily while their meal ticket rested on the floor below.

~Half an hour later~

A group of Saviors stumbled across the farm, Negan being one of them. They scour the barn, looking for any resources. Each person took note of the horrid scenery which took place less than an hour ago.

"Boss!" shouted a Savior. "I think one of'ems  alive!"

They all gathered around to check out a body that lay on a bale of hay. They were trapped underneath an eaten body. Negan lifted the corpse off of the person, leaning in closer to them, hearing their low breathing patterns.

"Get'em to The Sanctuary!...NOW!" Negan yelled to his workers who didn't waste time carrying them to their trucks. When they arrived back at their home, the person was escorted quickly to Dr. Carson's office. They slept peacefully in a coma for who-knows-how-long.

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