Chapter Five: The Black Flame

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Marigold fell

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Marigold fell. The purple shiny something was suddenly wrapped around her face. She sat up and saw she had landed on the silk canopy of a four poster bed. Another grunt came from the bed. Whoever or whatever lay there was snoring in their sleep.

Marigold tried to stand up. But the canopy was too slippery. It couldn't take her weight. The material began to rip.

'No, no, no', she said to herself. But she couldn't stop falling through the canopy and onto the bed. 

 She found herself face to face with Lady Artifice. The woman grunted once more but her eyes remained closed. Marigold sighed with relief. Then she saw it. In the middle of the black silk bodice of the sleeper's night-gown was a gaping red hole. Marigold screamed. Lady Artifice sat bolt upright. She blinked and took in Marigold who'd retreated to the bottom of the bed. Lady Artifice screamed.

Marigold jumped off the bed.

Trembling, the woman pulled the sheets up to her neck.

'A ghost... The revolting child has sent her spirit to haunt me. Keep away!' she wailed. 'Whatnot!'

In the commotion, Marigold had forgotten about the crackling she'd heard from above the room. It was louder than ever now. It came from a large black diamond sitting on a cushion. The cushion was on a pedestal at the foot of the bed. The black stone crackled and pulsated as it absorbed the light streaming through the hole in the ceiling.


Marigold moved towards the diamond.

'Don't touch that', Lady Artifice squeaked.

Marigold smiled to herself and took a step closer. She peered into the gleaming surfaces of the gem which was now glowing with its own purple light.

'I beg of you, spirit, leave me in peace', Lady Artifice pleaded. 'Whatnot!'

Marigold scanned the wood panelled walls for the door.

Don't get caught again.

She made out the handle. It moved as she reached for it. She jumped back. Whatnot came through the door. He gasped at the sight of her. She backed away from him and bumped into the bed. Lady Artifice pulled herself out of the bed, still clutching the sheets to her neck.

'Remove this ghost, Whatnot,' she said shakily. 'Exorcise it.'

Whatnot hesitated before extending his arm. He poked Marigold on the shoulder.

'Keep away from me!' she yelled.

Whatnot smiled and took hold of her arm firmly. She struggled in his grip.

'Flesh and blood, my darling', he said to Lady Artifice.

Marigold wrinkled her brow.

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