Chapter 1: After the Sun Rises

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Bryn woke up, as usual, in complete darkness. Her attendants would disagree with her choice of a room without windows, but of course her word was law. They didn't have a choice. Besides, Bryn liked the darkness. Beyond the fact that it made sleeping in ten times easier, it also let her think, ponder. To just lay there and think about things...that was one of Bryn's favourite things to do. Her life had been incredibly lengthy, after all. Plenty to think about. One would imagine that, being the empress of an entire planet, Bryn would have more time to do whatever she wanted—in her case, thinking. But responsibility demanded she devote most of her time to keeping the planet from falling apart. Only these few moments awake in her bed could be spent lazily pondering whatever topic decided to entire her mind first.

But alas, she hadn't the time to waste any further. Even being the all-powerful ruler that she was didn't allow her to bend time. So, reluctantly, she sat upright in her bed, and rang the bell that sat on the night table beside her. Instantly, faithful as always, Bryn's attendants rushed into the room, ready to fulfil whatever task she desired of them. Casually, Bryn found herself wondering what her friends of the past would have thought of the way she lived her life now. Would they find it ironic?

Banishing her last philosophical thought of the morning from her head, Bryn threw off her blanket and stepped onto the cold tile floor. Well, she presumed it would be cold. With a simple thought Bryn could command her feet not to register the cold. Ah, the simple pleasures and privileges she was granted.

Around her, attendants began to straighten the bedsheets, while others read off reports of last night. Nothing out of the ordinary, as expected. Bryn liked to think she ran her planet pretty well.

Once the attendants' usual morning duties had been fulfilled, they each left the room, as she commanded. A few guards remained, ready to protect her faithfully, but it was pointless. After all, what was the point of relying on your guards if you had access to the vast powers Bryn had? Still, she let the guards assume their positions by the bathroom entrance as she headed there, ready to have a bath.

One would think that sitting in a bath would also be a good time to think. But, as Bryn mused in her mind, she knew that her time was much better spent elsewhere. Instead of relaxing in the hot water, she would have to quickly clean herself and hurry on to the important tasks of the day. Perhaps some would consider it paradoxical to take a bath when Bryn could easily clean herself with but the snap of her fingers, but Bryn knew why she really did it. Deep down, she wanted to return to the simplicities of her old life. But, that was gone. A speedy bath would be what little reminiscence she'd receive.

Commanding her guards to wait by the door, she stepped inside, noting the worry on their faces. It was well deserved worry, of course. Bryn had experienced plenty of assassination attempts, but none were successful, of course. That didn't stop her servants from worrying for her, though. Being all alone in the bath made them anxious, but it was something that couldn't be helped. Bryn, silly though it might have seemed, still found it embarrassing to be nude in the presence of others.

Closing the door behind her, Bryn promptly disrobed. There could be no time idly wasted; daylight was burning. The bath was already filled, obviously. Her servants certainly took notice of her habits.

Stepping inside the water, Bryn slid inside the tub, letting her body relax in its heat. Ah...the attendants had managed to nail down the perfect temperature. But, this moment of bliss couldn't last for long. Quickly, Bryn began to wash her body, unnecessary though it might have been. At least it made the whole bath thing seem like it had a point.

Suddenly, a sound reached Bryn's heightened ears. They, unlike the ears of all others, were able to hear much smaller sounds, even registering the gentle heartbeats of those around her. This time, though, it was much more than heartbeats that Bryn heard.

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