Chapter 5: Internal Revelations

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"...which, according to these ancient texts, is indeed what brought about the initial attacks of the Scourge. These accounts, of course, are not the most reliable, and other texts have been discovered to describe the events leading up to the Scourge much differently. However, the general consensus has been that the Scourgers lived on the planet before us, and once humans and Ventis arrived, became hostile and refused a peaceful coexistence, leading to the Scourge. Indeed, even the Empress, the only being to have lived during that time still alive today, agrees this is true."

Knass sighed as Ialin-Professor continued to drone on and on about the Scourge. He tried to console himself with reminders that this wasn't all there was going to be to Ancient and Modern History. Hopefully, they'd at some point get to life after the Scourge. Maybe then he'd learn about the thing that interested him: ancient architecture.

"He's certainly putting the 'Ancient' in Ancient and Modern History, huh?" Aidly whispered beside him.

Knass gave a smile. "I take it this isn't exciting you all too much, either?"

Aidly shook her head. "Not really. History in general isn't my favourite. I mean, who cares what happened thousands of years ago? I want to know what's happening now!"

"Well, there's a reason it's called Ancient and Modern History." Knass said. "Just wait. I'm sure we'll get to the good parts eventually." At least, that's what Knass hoped. So far, the entire class looked bored out of their minds. Well, except for that tall Nosken girl near the front. Apparently she was Aidly's roommate.

Aidly huffed. "Ialin-Professor said we were going chronologically, though. Just how long is this going to take? Hasn't the empire lasted for thousands and thousands of years? When are we going to start talking about stuff that's relevant?"

Knass smiled sympathetically before returning his attention to Ialin-Professor and his pencil to his notes.

"Now we move into the main bulk of this unit," Ialin-Professor went on. "Life during the Scourge. We'll split this section into two parts: one part discussing the war and another part discussing the lives of those not actively participating in it."

Ialin-Professor, pausing for a moment, then walked over to the side of his desk and retrieved what looked like a long stick. Pulling from one end, he extended it, and slammed it on the ground before him, creating a whip-like sound. Those who were sleeping or on the verge of it snapped awake, earning themselves a reprimanding look from Ialin-Professor. The professor then whipped the pointing stick high above him, pointing to various pictures high up on the walls.

"These are the five Ventis generals of the Scourge." Ialin-Professor said. "They were highly important to winning the war for the Empress. We will be learning about them and their contributions. You will note that they each represent one type of Ventis. First and most prominent among them was..."

The pointing stick smacked against one of the pictures.

"General Masz Krunor."

Knass squinted to make out the picture better. It appeared to be a sketch. Standing in his military uniform, General Krunor glared determinedly at the viewer. A muscular Ventis, he was Power in every sense of the word. Let alone his intimidating physical presence, he seemed to emanate dominance. Knass imagined he would have had complete control over every one of his soldiers.

The stick lifted up and smacked again onto the picture beside Krunor's.

"General Ochten Genju."

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