Chapter 1: Meeting Her

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-||Evans POV||-

"Yes, mom, I know.....I know....Yeah I know...I know...I'm already doing it...I know....I'm doing it.....I know...don't worry...I know..but...I-.....just listen....i!I'M
18 now! I think I know what I'm doing!" I told her over the phone.

"Im just making sure Evan, make sure to unpack all your clothes! After that take a shower anda nap! the ride must have been tiring." she replied.

I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. I swear she treats me like I'm still 8.

"Also make sure to eat something and put on the clean sheets that I packed for you." she added.

"Alright mom bye love you." I hung up before she could say another word. I was her only son so she treated me like i was still a baby. Its only me and her, my dad walked out of our life when i was 5. I don't even remember how he looks. My mom never talked about him or told me why he left. I guess he never came up as a subject.

I threw the phone on the couch and looked around the small house. I have only been here for an hour and it was a mess already. Who said I didn't miss my mom?

I headed upstairs to my room and started putting my clothes away. I arranged my bed and I put on the sheets like I promised my mom.

I stepped back and admired my work with a smug and accomplished smirk. Everything looked in place to me! I walked to window and opened the curtains letting the sunshine come in. "Hello New York" I thought, gazing out across the skyline. Leaving Jersey behind, I came here to start a new life. With new friends and new school on my own this time.

It was sunny outside with a bright blue sky, and there were no clouds to block the warm rays which were hitting the side of my face. Not bad weather we were having today in New York! Across the street you can see a big park with a big soccer field where a couple kids in different colored jerseys take turns kicking the ball towards the net with all their force and trying to get it past the goalie.

My train of thought is suddenly broken when out of the corner of my left eye I saw grey smoke rising up towards the sky. Quickly turning my head towards it, I'm completely surprised to see a girl that looked around my age, maybe a bit younger leaning up against her house with a cigarette between her lips taking in a deep breath. I have to admit, it's a bit disgusting. I don't know how she can stand the nauseating smell.

I couldn't help but take in her obvious style. Everything about her shouted 'Bad Girl' and there was no doubt. She was a girl with long black hair and blue highlights, but I couldn't see her face since she had her back to me. One of her arms was covered with an indescribable art. Flower prints, swirls, skulls and a lot of other detailed things I would normally find unattractive on a girls' skin. But somehow, on her it looked intriguing. She was wearing a muscle top they call it, with a bandeau top and denim shorts. She looked quite fit and mysterious, which caused me to be more curious about this girl.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my cell phone vibrating on the bed, which caused me to jump and hit my head on one of the above shelves.

"OW! SON OF A-" I shrieked as I rubbed my hair and groaned. Whoever texted me better have a good excuse!

I dragged myself back over to my bed and picked up the phone, only to find another message from my mom.

'Evan baby, don't forget to buy some groceries!'

For goodness sake! Looks like unpacking the rest of the house would have to wait.


I walked around the unfamiliar grocery store and tried to find the necessary things. I grabbed some bread, Nutella, pasta and other kinds of important things such as beer, pizza and fries.

As I was about to go into the second aisle, I crashed into someone and their shopping flew all over the floor. I instantly felt bad and started helping them pick their stuff up. I can clearly hear mumbling curse words under their breath and I can guarantee their meant for me, but I didnt mind since I caused this mess.

"I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't looking and got kind of distracted." I said picking up the last banana left on the tiled floor.

The minute the person stood up, I could totally tell she was the girl I saw outside my window. I recognized her from the tattoos and clothes.

I examined her face since I didn't have a chance to earlier. She had brown eyes that were contoured with charcoal eyeliner and eyeshadow and her lips looked soft and plump red because of the lipstick she was wearing. She had an eyebrow piercing as well on the corner of her right eye. Overall I find her attractive, but I think she can minimise the make up.

"What the fuck? You made me drop my things. Haven't you learned to fucking watch where your going asshole?"

"I said I'm sorry. No need for that language!" I said, surpirsed at her out burst and handing her the things I had picked up. She sure was rude.

"Whatever little fucker." She said snatching them from my hand and storming off.

She might have the looks but she definitely doesn't have the right personality. I guess this will be an interesting time with a neighbor like that!

Before I could cause any more damage with my clumsiness I gathered a few remaining items and made my way over to the cashier. There wasn't a queue thank goodness so I paid quickly and packed everything into two cheap plastic bags with 'Walmart' branded on them.

I exited the store and began strolling along the sidewalk, my eyes fixed on the ground. The floor was practically plastered with discarded gum which wasn't particularly great, but it happened in every city!

My house was only a couple of blocks away so I was back within no time, not that it would matter to me! The bags were no challenge since I was pretty ripped! And just to participate in the guy fashion of showing off, I have a six pack and a 'V' which can drive the ladies crazy.

I reached into my pocket to grab the keys when once again I felt my phone vibrating! Not wanting to be rude I had a look at the screen, and surprise surprise, MOM!

'Just checking up on you sweetie x'

'Im fine mum and before you ask, yes I bought myself food so I won't starve and I'm OKAY!'

There u go for the first chapter!!! If u liked it vote and comment. Tell me what u think.

Huge thanks to @FirdawXo and @JustUsTogether for helping me with parts of it!!

Editor: Chloerusworth_tw_tv


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