Chapter 2: Her Again

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-||Evans Pov||-

I was sitting on the couch just chilling with the TV turned up rather loudly. The World Cup was on and it was the USA vs Belgium.

I had just finished unpacking everything and put everything in the right places so I needed some me time, and what better way to achieve that then watch my country place soccer?

I had a bowl of popcorn on my lap and a can of Carlsburg beer on the coffee table for me to occasionally take a swig.

The anticipation of the game was quite high because of course I wanted us to win, but once Belgium got a goal I kinda lost hope and began to lose concentration. Instead of my eyes glued on the television, they averted to the screen of my iPhone and I began scrolling through my Instagram feed.

After a good hour or so I was on my third can of beer and my popcorn was almost gone. The match was nearing the end and so was the day for me since I was rather tired.

Today had been a long one! A drive from New Jersey, unpacking, and the terrible incident in Walmart. I definitely needed to get some rest.

In the end, unfortunately we lost 2-1 so we were knocked out, so before twitter and Facebook started blowing up I made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I brushed my teeth lazily and looked at my reflection in the mirror as I ran the brush over my teeth and I saw how much the day had taken it's toll. I could barely keep my eyes open and large black bags had formed under them, as well as my blonde curly hair being rather messy.

I quickly finished brushing my teeth and began walking down the corridor to my bedroom.

Each step I took was a step closer to paradise. I could almost feel my weightlessness rested on my new mattress, sense the blanket around me and how comfy my head was on my goose feather pillows.

I pushed open my bedroom door and stepped inside, only to be pulled out of my thoughts by the most irritating thing that could have possibly happened right now!


Darn it for goodness sake. I groaned walking back out lazily towards the door. Who could it possibly be? Only to be answered with more loud knocks. I let out a huge groan as I turned around and traipsed towards the front door, trying to also sort my hair out so I didn't look like a slob.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!!" I shouted, I reluctantly shoved the keys in the lock and turned it before yanking the door open. "Yes?" I said trying to make out the person infront me my eyes barely open.

I rubbed my eyes and person infront was coming together. I was surprised to see who it was at my doorstep. No its not my mom, it was the same girl from the store. She's dressed differently than I saw her earlier today, she was wearing black skinny jeans all cut up, a tank top that allowed me examine her body art more clearly, and her hair was curled and up In a high ponytail.

"Are you done checking me out?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest smirking. "Don't be too happy to see me"
She spat rudely, chewing gum loudly.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her "Im not happy to see you!!" I replied in the same rude tone. "What do you want?"

"I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here trust me, my mom made me." she rolled her eyes, popping gum in her mouth showing no interest whatsoever.

"Yeah yeah Whatever," I shrugged and went to close the door on her but she pushed it back.

"She said I had to come and 'welcome you'" she said while making quote marks with her hands.

"I'm quite alright thanks!" I once again tried to push the door just on her but she jammed her foot in it so I couldn't.


"Yeah nice watever thanx! Can you please leave now?"


"Okay,okay! Calm the flip down!" I said with an eye roll which seemed to anger her even more. Are we seriously gonna be talking about whose town this is.


"Actually ye-" Before i could finish my sentence She cut me off.


What is this girl talking about. I could not care less. She was starting to get on my nerves because I was getting a headache from her unneeded shouting. All I wanted was to go to bed!

"Look, whatever your name is, can we please have this conversation in the morning? I'm not in the mood."

"Idiot," she grumbled as the heel of her Doc Martians dug into my foot.

I managed to hold back a shriek but I knew that I would have an ulsa since I bit my lip so damn hard.

"Well aren't you charming!"

"Well aren't you a stuck up Jersey kid!"

"How'd you know I'm from New Jersey?" I asked with narrowed eyes, mostly since I could barely keep them open but there was anger behind it too.

"By your accent, duh!"

"By your accent, duh!" I mimicked in a high pitched girly tone.

I saw the fury build up in her face as she stepped back slightly and her jaw clenched.

"I didn't want to do this, but your giving me no choice,"

"Do wha- OWWWWW!" I groaned loudly feeling huge pain in between my legs as I dropped onto my knees.

I heard her laugh evilly as her heavy boots thudded away down the sidewalk.

Well I had a lovely new neighbor didn't i? After wallowing in my own self pity and pain for a couple of moments I decided to be a man and get up off the floor to finally go to bed.

After a good nights sleep I'm sure everything would work out...

I slowly walked to my bedroom and jumped in bed snuggling under the blanket. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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