3.the promise

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Midori pov.

I feel like sonic...like a green sonic.I know that I wasn't supposed to ran trough the whole school, but I had to find Nemesis-chan.I know that she's obssesed with killing yan-chan because of...I'm not sure.I only know that I have to stay away from yan-chan...I know that she's...near  kizana right now...oh should I warn her? Well...she isn't even my friend so why would I care? I know where ayano is because yandere-dev ones told me, how to avoide her so yeah...it sounds dumb but I always know where she is...well it sounds creepy...

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't even notice, that I went to the garden club.I couln't find her!

Then I feelt a blade near my neck..
'So that's my end' I tought

But then It got away and I couln't see anyone near me...creepy..

Then I heard something behind me.I turned around to see Nemesis-chan.

She then looked emotionlessly at me. I just grinned and stepped closer to her.
"Hey! Neme-...uh" I totaly forgot that she kills everyone who would call her nemesis-chan, because of ayano.But yes it's right, it's like ayano could hear everything...that's creepy

"I-I mean hi! C-can I ask you something?" I asked a little scared.
She answered emotionlessly "ask quickly if you want to live".

"W-well ehm.."I started "C-could you kill Mai f-for me?..."I asked a little shoked of myself.What was I doing there?

"Well...I could...if you tell me...where Ayano is"she answered, still emotionlessly.

"Ehm...she..s-she should be at the furnace by now, when not she should be at the drama club cleaning the blood of kizana"I answered, a little to happily.

"Ok, I will kill that girl.Just show me a photo of her.AND IF YOU LIED TO ME YOU'RE DEAD" she yelled angrily.I got scared but showed her a photograph of Mai.


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"T-thanks...a lot..."i thanked still scared.

"I don't mind,
the only think I mind is her"she said, walking away, as if she would do the bravest thing in the world.

Then I walked to my class, a little to late but I don't care.I'm happy now.


(Midori x Yandere-Dev) |~notice me, not her! Where stories live. Discover now