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it was about 9am on monday morning, in new york city. emaline and tyler had spent the past couple of days searching for oliver, scouting out all corners of the city to find him. they went places emaline remembered oliver talking about in the past, restraunts, theaters, studios, and even museums.
by saturday night, emaline seemed near end of ideas of places they could look.
she was up most of that night. just, thinking. until at one point, she somehow, remembered something.
one time, last year, she briefly
recalled oliver talking about a bakery- the levain bakery in nyc.
she rememebered him saying his mother took him there once when he was little. she had ordered him a cinnamon bun (or something like that) he said it was one of the best things he'd ever eaten. he told me he'd go there again someday.
emaline sat up right in her bed as the thought entered her mind. she pulled out her phone from underneath her pillow, and searched up the bakery.
and, just like that

levain bakery- 74th street

emaline smiled. she was proud that she had remembered.
she believed her and tyler would find him there. they just had to.

[resume back to monday morning!]

emaline and tyler made their way toward 74th street.
for awhile, tyler was bouncing around with excitement, just as every time they had made their way to a destination to find oliver. but eventually, he became worn out, emaline had to practically drag him along.

"i'm tireeeddd." tyler pouted.
emaline rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. "it's literally down the street, shut up and be excited!" she glanced back at him, giving him a little smile. "i think today's really gonna be the day we find him."
tyler was grinning again. as he let go of emaline's hand, he sped ahead of her.
"hey! wait up!!!" emaline yelled as she began to run.

by the time she caught up to him, tyler was standing in front of the bakery. his smile was so wide. it made emaline smile too.
"is this it?"
"yep." emaline nodded, opening the door the the small shop. a tiny bell on the top of the entranceway jingled.
the bakery was so cute. subway tiles and baby blue paint bordered the walls, ash gray counters with glass cases, retro looking booths, with people of all kinds filling the seats.
and of course, there were sweets everywhere.
emaline breathed in the scent of fresh baked bread that filled the air. she smiled, it smelled really really good.
tyler bounced into a booth. "c'mon emaline!" he waved his hand over to her.
she made her way over to him and took a seat, simpering and pulling out her phone.
she texted kate.

[today 10:34 am]

we made it to the bakery i was telling u about

i think we're gonna find him:)

then, she shut off her phone and picked up he menu.

tyler looked at his watch.
"it's 3:00 now." he sighed, letting his head fall onto the table dramatically.
"how much longer can we wait?" his face portrayed that we was tired, but hadn't necessarily given up hope just yet.
"i don't know. maybe.. let's just wait here for a little while longer." emaline took another bite of her blueberry muffin. she'd ordered it an hour ago, she just hadn't bothered to finish.

just then, emaline heard the soft jingle of the bell at the front door. she and tyler looked up.
there, stood a tall figure. pale skin, black sunglasses, a seemingly trademark look of thick, gelled brown hair,
and a trench coat.. a black one.

there, stood oliver.


i'm so so sorry y'all i've been so busy this week! i'm rlly gonna try to write more in the coming days/weeks!!!!

sorry this is so shitty lol!!! this might be my worst chapter yet!!!


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