Chapter 3

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You woke up & saw Negan walking out of the bathroom in just a towel- having had a shower. "Hello Darlin' how'd you sleep?"
"Well I relived my friends dying over and over and over again but other than that it was all sunshine and fucking rainbows"
He chuckled & you glared.
He went & grabbed some clothes & went back in the bathroom to get dressed. "Are you wanting a shower y/n?" After a few seconds of silence he walked out again;
" It's a simple question" he said.
" I don't have any other clothes"
" I can find you something- my wives have plenty- I spoil them"
"Aw are you jealous doll?"
"No but why plural? & Where is your wife? Lucille- the one you named your bat after?"
Again there was a few seconds silence.
"Oh shit I'm sorry" you spoke, getting up from the bed & you were about to walk over to him- when you stopped & just went into the bathroom for a shower.
you beard him walk out of the room- presumably to get clothes & came back 5 minutes later. He knocked on the bathroom door & walked in.
"Here are your clothes, I'm sure they'll fit."
"Thanks" you spoke over the sound of the running water.
"It's taking all of my will power not to join you in there y/n"
"Fuck off Negan"
"Okay, okay"
You vaguely saw his hands up in a faux surrender like way through the shower curtain as he walked out.

Coach Negan / saviour Negan editing Where stories live. Discover now