Flashback 6

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It had been a week since it happened and You couldn't face the idea of seeing him after that night so you never went to PE & just hid in the girls bathrooms for an hour.
After school you went out to the car park & saw him & you began to walk the other way but he ran up to you.

"We missed you in class today" he said with a knowing smirk.
"Half of your class are jerks" he added.
You stayed quiet.
You were embarrassed about the kiss but even more embarrassed that you had feelings for him.
"You're not going to speak y/n?"
"Is this about the other night?"
He asked.
"You don't have to be embarrassed it was a mistake- I get it"
"It's not about the kiss" you spoke quietly.
"It's- I don't know"
"What is it about?"
"Just you in general- I can't stop thinking about you & it's driving me crazy! I've never felt like this before & I don't know what to do"
"Not here" he spoke & began walking away- expecting you to follow him.
You did & walked over to his car.
You got in and waited for him to say something.

"To be honest I don't know what to say"
"Neither do I"

He started up the car and began driving. He stopped the car at a street corner.

You leant in & kissed him softly.
"We can't do this" he spoke after a moment.
"You are 18- my student! I have a wife... that I love &-"
You kissed him again and this time he didn't hold back.

Coach Negan / saviour Negan editing Where stories live. Discover now