Slut and angry

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For the past few weeks I've been talking to Ryder a lot and I don't really know why because every time we talked he said something negative about me and then we would fight. Like he said that I didn't talk to him today, but I was busy and then he just shits me out about everything I do wrong!

I was at my locker talking to Kylie when Amy came to join us. "Hey guys!" She greeted. "Hi Amy!" I looked at Amy when she whispered something in Kylie's ear. When she was done Kylie had a smile on her face and was laughing. "Umm what's going on guys?" I asked them confused. "Nothing Emily, just nothing" Kylie said while giggling with Amy. "Ok really what's going on?" I asked again.

"I said nothing Emily. Get over yourself!" Kylie said hars and she and Amy stalked away leaving me speechless. What the hell was that?? I decided to just let it go. I'll talk to her later.

"You've been ignoring me Emily" a familiar voice said behind me. "Ryder I haven't been avoiding u. Please stop to think that I'm ignoring you" I said calmly. "Yes u have. U talk to other guys except for me!" Ryder said harshly. "What so I can't talk to other guys except u?" I asked.

"No it's just you keep talking to other guys and flirt with them." He said. "What is wrong with u do u think I'm some kind on slut?!" I said angrily. "You know what Emily, maybe you are a slut!" Ryder said now almost spitting.

With me being so angry, I slapped him in the face. I was so fucking mad! He called me a slut! How dare he! How could he call me a slut! I haven't even had my first fucking kiss!!!

After I hit him I looked him in the eye with a disgusted face with tears in my eyes. Then I just turned around and ran of.


"Wow I can't believe he called u a slut!" Kylie said angry. "Yah I can't believe it either, and he has to know that I'm not going to forgive him for that" It was a Saturday night and me and Kylie were in my room on my bed having a sleep over party and just catching up with all the gossip.

I haven't talked to her much these days so I felt that it would be fair if we had a girls night. Plus I wanted to find out what she and Amy had talked about the other day.

"But other than that, what can u tell me?" I asked trying to change the subject. Kylie had her thinking face on now. She looked so funny when she did that. "Hmmmm... Ooo u know that guy Liam?" She asked and I definitely knew him and I wanted to jump up and shout yes!!! But I kept my cool (if u could say that) "umm. Jah I think so" I said cooly.

"I think he's cute and nice and sweet and...." Kylie had her dreamy face on now. She definitely liked Liam. "And funny and-"

"Ok Kylie I get it you like him don't you!" I said exited. I was standing on top of my bed now. Those two would make a cute and great couple. Now it was Kylie's turn to jump on the bed and be all giggly. "Yes! He is gorgeous!" She said dreamly. "But I don't think he likes me" she said.

"What are you kidding me! Kylie you are beautiful he would be blind if he didn't see that!" I said. "Aww thanks Ems" she said. Ok now is my chance to ask her about her and Amy, but my mouth won't move. Come on Emily pull yourself together and just ask I mean it's not like they committed murder and now they are keeping it a secret. There can be a possibility! Oo shut up brain!

Here goes nothing. "So what were you and Amy so giggly about the other day?" I asked acting like I didn't really care. "O it's nothing, just and inside joke" she giggled more. "Can you tell me what it is?" I asked curious. "Why? I mean it's nothing really u don't have to know" Kylie said. "We'll if it's not important then tell me" I said sternly. "Emily no I'm not going to tell u" Kylie said.

I wasn't going to push it any further. I didn't want to get in a fight with her so I just left it alone. For now at least.

I was at school standing at my locker and I see Dannon, Ryder, Kylie and Liam. They were all standing around me and we were having the best time. We laughed and talked and everything, but then suddenly we were in a dark alley and everyone was fighting everyone.

Ryder and Dannon heated each other up. "I want Emily!" Ryder shouted to Dannon. "And I want Kylie!" Dannon said to Ryder as they hit each other.

But why are they fighting then if they don't even want the same girl? Liam suddenly walks up to me and kisses my cheek and then Kylie looked at me with a angry face, a face of jealousy and then-

"Emily sweety wake up its time for school" my mom said. I looked around to see that I was in my room. Thank goodness it was all just a dream.

I got to school and met up with Kylie, you know the usual. When the bell rang I quickly went to class. I sat at my usual seat at the back of the lass and waited for the teacher to come.

Then I saw a familiar face walking into the class that made me smile. "Hey Kitten" Dannon said. I was so relieved to see my best friend again. "Hey Dannon" I greeted him happily. "How have you been lately? I haven't seen you around" Dannon asked. "I'm okay I guess. I just need to talk to u about Kylie. She's been acting so strange these days" I said.

"We'll what about we-" Dannon was cut of Blythe teacher who walked into the class room. "Good morning everyone I hope u had a great weekend. So let's start!" Mr Hageman said friendly. Why is he so friendly on a Monday morning? It's not human!

About ten minutes in the class session I did my usual notes while the teacher talks. "So class do u see the difference between-" mr Hageman suddenly stopped talking and I didn't bother to look up from my notes.

"Ah mister Ryder. You're late!" Mr Hageman said. That was when I looked up to see a angry Ryder standing in front of the class. "Jah sorry" Ryder is simply said while talking the only seat that was open which was in front of me.

I felt my stomach drop when he didn't even spare me a glans while he was walking to his table he only looked Dannon stip in the eyes and when I looked at Dannon next to me he did the same. "Dannon!" I said warning him.

"Sorry won't happen again" Dannon quickly said and looked away from Ryder and when I looked at Ryder he did the same and took his seat. The period went on and while mr Hageman was talking he stopped talking again. Now I looked at him. "Ryder!" Mr Hageman said to Ryder. "Put you're phone away please" sir said.

"And why should I? I mean you're not the boss of me are u?" Ryder snapped back. "Mr Ryder! Go to the principles office now!" Sir said. "Fuck u sir! I won't go!" Ryder swore in front of a teacher! "Mr Ryder u are looking for trouble" sir said. "No shit" Ryder said and took his bag and stormed out of the class.

What was wrong with him? He almost always did his work in class and yes he did get in trouble sometimes for talking, but Ryder never went this far. I mean he swore in front of a teacher and then stormed of.

What was wrong with him???


Hey!! So what do u think is wrong with Ryder?

Why won't Kylie tell Emily about her and Amy. Do they have a secret?

Read and find out!!! :D

And guys please VOTE and COMENT!!!

Love ya!! ;)

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