Plotimus Prime

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Plotimus Prime

Don’t get me started on plots.

Okay, okay, you poked the bear so now you are going to get the low down on my opinions on plots.

Here is where I will be completely objective and list some types of plots with their pros and cons. I am not going to take sides with any of these because I know things can get quite heated when discussing popular plots.

1.     Student/Teacher Romances. A lot of people have problems with these stories. They criticize their believability and the moral consequences of such a thing. These stories tend to also have a lot of raunchy scenes between the teacher and the student (a minor). Now don’t get me wrong, I believe everyone has thought about being in a relationship (if that’s what you want to call it) with at least one of their teachers before, but I doubt any of you would actually try it, let alone try to get away with it.

2.     Romance, Romance, Romance. These stories focus mostly on the romance between two characters. Some people believe that less than nothing exciting happens in these stories. They often pass them up because there is usually nothing else going on, but sweet lurve and sweet lurving. I, for one, happen to love stories like this. Sometimes I don’t want robot ninja assassins trying to kill my main character.

3.     Arranged Marriages. A lot of people write these. I’m not sure if as many people read them. There are a few issues with this plot. Unless the story takes place in the eighteen hundreds arranged marriages aren’t that common anymore. How many teenagers do you know that would take being married off to someone in stride?

4.     Vampire Romances. There are about as many Vamp Romances as there are stars in the sky. A lot of people are getting fed up with these stories flooding Wattpad. They simply overlook them. So if you are planning on writing one then you better make it stand out. Don’t do a rip off of Twilight. Breathe life into your characters and make the Vamps have uber (I know I used uber again) unique qualities (i.e. no sparkles!). Now, I happen to have a Vamp story that I wrote when the Twi-craze was sweeping through my town, but I have made the Vampires completely different from most Vampire books I have read.

I don’t have problems with any of these plots, but they definitely are used over and over again. So here are ten suggestions of some plots/topics I would find interesting.

1.     _____ has noticed the murders around his/her community. The victims have been eerily similar to ______. Now he/she wonders if he/she is next.

2.     Ghost hunters who have stumbled upon the motherload of super natural activity.

3.     A new lawyer who has somehow been hired to defend  ______ who supposedly killed x amount of people  and is determined to prove _____’s innocence.   

4.     A (fictional) Autobiography of a rockstar/actor.

5.     Two lawyers who haven’t a clue what they are doing and stumble through their cases coming out on top. (Comedy) (Yeah, I like lawyers, so sue me. Hehe.)

6.     A struggling young writer trying to make it in this world. (Should be easy peasy!)

7.     Foreign affairs. Like seriously slap on an Irish accent and get to work! 

8.     (This one is kind of simple) Pen pals who fall in love via email, twitter, wattpad, or what have you.

9.     Robots. Whether it be futuristic, or a robotic takeover, or even something along the lines of Transformers.

10.   Time Traveling. I choose to write about this topic myself. You could literally go anywhere with this topic. Whether it be discovering a lost city, checking out the future, or trans-time love (like me).

Okay, so hopefully I have left you with a lot to think about. And means to come up with your very own original plot! That’s all for now!


I am beastly at updating this, now lets just hope the information is beastly.

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