She's A Maniac, Maniac At Updating

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She’s A Maniac, Maniac At Updating

                In this chapter I will be discussing updating regularly.

                I cannot stress how important updating regularly is! It is purely crucial to keeping those readers around. They want something that they can rely on. Something that they can depend on, you know what I’m saying?

 I know we all have busy lives and can’t spend every waking moment in front of a computer, but if we don’t update at least semi-regularly then our fans will be un-happy campers. (I know I am somewhat guilty of this myself at times.) So I have come up with a few systems to hopefully put you on the right track to updating in a timely manner.

1.     Plan Your Stories. While writing spur of the moment can be fun while you are doing it, it often makes it extremely difficult to keep writing like that. You may find yourself running out of steam and then not updating for months at a time because you can’t think of anything. (Guilty as charged.)

2.     Set Deadlines. If you set a deadline by when you have to update it will make things run a lot more smoothly. Plus, let’s say that you update every Friday then your fans will have something to look forward to every week.

3.     Create A Playlist. This sounds like rather odd advice (I was skeptical at first too), but it is a really good idea. If you make a playlist solely for your story, then you will constantly be in the same mindset every time you go to write. It makes the creative process about ten times easier! Plus it will give you some cool music to post in the sidebar.

4.     Write At Least Once A Day. I don’t care for how long, if you just force yourself to sit down and write for twenty minutes you will get used to updating routinely on your story.

Still not convinced?

Go MIA for about two months, then come back and start updating. I bet you will get half the readers you had before and some of them might be random stragglers. Not the dedicated fans you had before. Very few people want to go that long without reading a new chapter of their favorite story.

 Quick recap: What helps readers stick around?

Drop a comment to answer the question.


Three cheers for another update! :D (that's something Andy would say isn't it? xD) I think this one was a bit lacking on the commentary, but the advice was pretty solid. Right? Right. Any who the next chapter might be about Predictable Characters (Often called Marry and Gary Sue or whatever xD). I know this gets talked about a lot, but you haven't heard my take on it.

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