Chapter 3

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Mom took me home after school. I couldnt process what happened just now in my tiny little brain. A boy said no. A freaking cute boy said no. What a bastard.

When we reached home. I quickly ran to my room and took out my list that is in my secret drawer.

There's a lot of list, The Ways To Flirt (Wtf) list, and there's the sex list- everyguy I had it with them, I wrote thier names on it and there's the The Boys that Ive Dumped List and there's the list that Mom gave me to go to the grocery store to buy cheese for her and finally i have found the list.

The Boys Im going To Dump list

I took a pen and cross every guys that ive been wanting to play the game, and put Zach on the first.

There's no way on god's green earth im letting him win.

If he wanted it to be that way, so be it. He said no to me. No one ever say No to me. Not just a no but a big fat huge NO.

All night I have been thinking for a plan. It may sound stupid, im actually thinking about a boy. Ive never done that. 

I still couldnt process what happened in English. Finally, at two, I fell asleep.


The next day at school, I was surprised that the rumours (its not a rumour actually, its for real)  about I broke the player, Robbie's heart died down. Wow, so fast.

But the rumours are now in a different topic.

And its about me and Zach yesterday.

I heard a bunch of stupid groupies were gossiping outside when I was in the toilet. I was eavesdropping and watched them gossip about me.

Stupid blond girl said "Did'ya know what happened yesterday?"

The geeky girl shooked her head "Nope"

"Jennifer Whilde asked the new guy, Zach a date!" stupid blond girl said and added "And guess what?"

Another girl, with a big lips answered "He broke up with her, duh?"

Ouch, now I know what big mouths are for they can really gossip and that was very offensive . (A.N: No offense if you have a big mouth)

"No! Zach, the cute new guy, said No!"  the stupid blond said.

The geek girl rolled her eyes "As if I give a damn about Jennifer, thank god, he said no or else his going to get his life fucked up"

Double ouch. I feel like going to them and each each bitches a slap. They deserves it. They dont even know me.

The big mouth spoke "Finally a guy said no to Jennifer, I prayed every night for someone to break her heart or say no to her, Im so Team Zach"

That does it. I came out of no where and gave big mouth a slap.

"You dont even fucking know me, dont act like you do, bitches" I said to all of them.

They were shocked.

And I went away.

First subject of the day? English. Now, its not going to be my fav anymore. He told the school about our secret letter I to him. Did he gave me a big NO on purpose? To let the whole school to know that  Im not the only one who can be a bitch enough to break everyones heart. So what they are Team Zach, So what?

I barged in to class late without even looking at Mr Tony to say 'Sorry im late' or whatever and sat beside the douche bag.

Mr Tony, as usual pretend it never happened. He was so use to it. If he gave me a detention, He'll know I'll probably ruin his life by lying to the police that a teacher raped me.

"Why the fuck did you tell the whole world about the letter yesterday?" I snapped at him.

The bastard shrugged. Now my blood pressure is rising. I can feel the heat.

"I have no idea what are you talking about" I gave me a sweet smile. My heart almose melt. But I thinked to myself, Remember, its a game, dont fall for his trap.

"Oh, you do fucking know what im fucking talking about" 

He shooked his head "Please do not curse and I didnt tell anyone"

"Hell yeah you did, the whole school knows it, are you trying to let the world hates me?"

He shooked his head annoyingly, again and give me a cute smile. Im melting again. "Im trying to help you"

Oh, so the bastard did tell the world entire school. Fuck it, he wont go out with me, the useless duck.


Excuse my language, my god, I cant help it! I hope you like this. Xxx

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