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We landed in the world of Portal. I stood up and looked around. I looked in my hand and saw the portal gun all charged and ready to send portals through the air. I looked at Ian and Jess. Ian had a shocked look on his face and so did Jess. I shot a portal on the portal surface. It created a orange portal and then found another surface and shot a blue portal onto the surface. I jumped through so did Ian and Jess. We looked for more surfaces. Jess found one so did I and we both shot our portals then all three of us jumped through and we found ourselves blocked in a cave. Ian used his portal gun to remave the rocks that were blocking us from the outside world. He was on the last rock when Jess found a button that said 'PRESS TO ESCAPE!' jess pushed it and volla the rocks cleared the way and Ian said "Well that was a waste of time."

I walked out and looked at the clear blue sky. IAn and Jess followed behind me. When we got to a lake I got out my drink bottle and filled it up all the way. When we were asleep we heard a noise coming from the bushes. When Ian shook the bushes out came.....

A/N OOOOOO I wonder what is in those bushes

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