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We were walking along a beach in G-Mod and my parents and I saw something in the distance. Me and my parentrs walked over to it. It was a portal that was all black a mystical with purple particals floating off of the frame. I walked near it and touched it. My hand went right through. I quickly pulled my hand back. "Say here sweety me and you Father will go check it out" my mother said. They walked through and I waited and waited. I stayed here for sop long. I was bawling my eyes out and a stranger came up to. Are you okay they asked i just shook my head they then left. I went back to my home. I went into my parents room and there was a small chest that hade a purple trim there was a note. I picked up the note and it was for me. I opened it up and inside was a ring with a gold(BUDDER for the SkydoesMC fans) and a 12 carrot diamond. I put it on and it fit perfectly. I had the note close to my heart and ran away to my room and cried my self to sleep.


I had tears in my eyes and ran away into my room and took the ring off and put it under my pillow. I have had that ring for so long .I don't want ot loose it.

A/N this was a bit of a sad chapter tell me in the comments if you let all the feelz out

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