Candy Crush

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Storm's POV

I walked along the sandy beach and heard footsteps behind me and turned around and saw a Girl in green with long brown hair."hi whats your name Mine is Becca" she told me. 'I'm Storm" I replied. We became the best of friends and I told her i had to go.

Georgia's POv

I walked along the path with Ian and Jessica. " What's that over there"I said. We all looked into the distance and saw a portal."I don't know but looks like it will help us get out of here" Jess exclaimed. We walkd over to the strange portal and jumped through.

We landed in the yummy world of........CANDY CRUSH. I was so hungry at that point that I went up to Lollie dog and bit it's ear but it didn't harm it "yummy" I mumbled through a mouth of food. "ewwwww Georgia don't speak with a full mouth" I just nodded and swallowed the food."c'mon let's go".Ian exclaimed we just built a boat and sailed down the chocolate milkshake river. When we reached the end of the river we sent up camp for the night and fell asleep to the sound lollie birds chirping away at the night. We waled throught the gummy forest and we saw a strawberry milk river flowing a calm flow and there was even a tent all set up and all three of us fell asleep.

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