Chapter 1

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Heyo! It me again back at you with another story! This one's a little different than my others bc it's a choose your own ending kind of? And a self-insert story.

Cover made by my wonderful friend elemental__ !!

Hope you guys like it!


The girl gave a hefty sigh. She squinted hard, screwing up her face. Her hands twisted in her light blue evening ball gown, either summoning strength or fear. She turned this way, then that, and sighed again, almost like admitting defeat.

A knock at the door startled me out of my reverie. I turned away from the mirror and smoothed my hands over my dress. I cleared my throat and held my head high.

“Come in,” I announced.  A second later, a maid came in and curtsied.

“His Majesty wishes so see you as soon as possible,” she said.

I waved a hand at her. “Tell Father I'll be there in a minute.” She curtsied again and left my room.

I turned back to the mirror. The girl in the mirror made a face and stuck her tongue out. That helped a little.
I smoothed my face and left the room.

I made my way down the hall to my father's study, careful not to step on the hem of my ball gown. When I got to his study, I knocked softly on the door then twisted the handle and entered the room.

Father's study smelled dusty as usual. Piles of books pervaded every available space. I often found myself here when I was little, equally climbing all over the piles while Father wasn't watching and reading the massive volumes. Father sat in his leather armchair by his desk, perusing over something. He looked up when I entered and a smile broke over his face.

“(Y/n),” he breathed, rising up from his desk. “My beautiful baby girl.”

I smiled and ran over to him as best I could and buried my face in his shoulder, holding him tight. “Hi, papa.”

He squeezed me tight, lifting me off the ground a fraction. I shrieked and laughed, kicking my legs. “Papa! Put me down!”

He laughed with me but set me back down on the floor. He sighed a happy sigh and clasped my face in his hands. He looked me in the eyes, his own brimming with tears. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“My baby girl is all grown up,” he said, his voice tight. “I have been looking forward to and dreading this day.”

“Papa,” I laughed. “I'll still be your baby girl. No matter how old I get.”

“I know,” he sighed. He kissed my forehead again then released my head. He walked over to his desk and leaned on it. He turned to face me and gave me a stern look. “You realize how important this day is.”

I nodded, standing straighter. Today was my 21st birthday, and in honor of it, Father was throwing a coming of age ball. He told me all kinds of people would be there; kings and queens from faraway lands, emissaries, various lords, even more. Father made a point to say possible suitors will also be there, and to look out for some. That was the part I was nervous about.

Seeing my troubled expression, my father held out his arms again. I ran gratefully into them. He wrapped his arms around me arms and stroked my hair.

“You'll do fine,” he murmured comfortingly. “I know you will.”

“Thank you, papa,” I whispered, my voice muffled in his shirt.

He let me go and looked me up and down once more. He stood up beside me and held out his arm. “Now, let's go and show them who you are.”

I accepted his arm and we made our way to the ballroom. A butler went ahead of us and entered before we did to announce our arrival. I could hear thousands of chattering voices on the other side of the door. My stomach churned and I bit my lip. I can do this. I can do this.

“Announcing! King Troilus and his daughter, Princess (y/n)!”

The door opened. A blinding light followed. Father gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Then we walked through the threshold.

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