Chapter 2

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(This one is longer bc we meet the boys!)


After the initial blindness, my eyes got used to the light from the lanterns. It would have been better if I kept my eyes closed. There were so many people. So many colors exploded into my vision. A hundred or more faces were looking up at me from the alcove. I swallowed nervously. Father squeezed my hand again and pushed me forward. I walked forward to the railing, gripping it hard in my fingers. I cleared my throat and forced a smile of my nervous face.

“Thank you everyone for coming to my birthday ball,” I said, my voice loud and wavering just a little. “I hope you all enjoy yourselves.”

Everyone clapped and a few people cheered. The smile on my face grew more genuine and I descended the stairs, linking arms with my father again. We made out way down the stairs and into the push of bodies, waving and smiling at all the well-wishers.

A man in a dark grey tunic with red and blue accents walked up to greet me once I detached from my father. He bowed and accepted my offered hand, placing a small kiss on it. His dark brown hair fell over his sparkling dark eyes as he leaned over my hand.

“Such a pleasure to meet you on your birthday.” His voice was smooth and sultry, and it flowed over my ears like silk. “You look absolutely stunning today. Though, I suppose you look stunning every day.”

I laughed, a blush coming to my face. “I'm sure you say that to every beautiful girl.”

He smiled and held out his arm for me to take. “Just those on their birthdays.”

I linked my arm with his and rolled my eyes playfully. “I'm sure.”

“You do honestly look beautiful today,” he said. He led me over to the refreshments table.

I blushed more. “Thank you…?” I realized I still didn't know his name.

“King Dark of Iplier,” he supplied. “But you can just call me Dark.”

“Oh no,” I laughed. “That would be much to casual. I barely know you!”

“Nonsense,” he scoffed. He picked up two glasses of wine and offered me one. I accepted it. “I have a feeling we will be getting to know each other very well soon.”

Before I could ask what he meant, another man behind King Dark seemed to notice us and excitedly turned away from his conversation partner. He wrapped his arms around King Dark in a tight bear hug, startling the other man enough to spill his wine.

“Darky! How good to see you!” The man had a silly accent from the western kingdoms and his pink moustache wiggled along with his mouth as he talked.

King Dark rolled his eyes slightly and brushed down his tunic. “Wilford,” he chided. “How many times must I remind you to not call me that. Especially in public!”

The man---Wilford--- just grinned widely at King Dark. “Ah, but you know how forgetful I get, Darky.” Then he seemed to notice me standing next to King Dark. “And I see you couldn't resist taking the birthday girl for yourself, huh?”

The more I looked at Wilford, the more I noticed how pink he was. From his hair to his boots, he was covered in the color. His tunic was pink, and he wore a yellow belt to accent it. His trousers were a deep brown and were shot through with pink threads. His leather boots had small pink gems inlaid in them. Like King Dark, he took my hand and pressed a soft kiss upon it, the hairs of his moustache tickling my skin.

“King Wilford of Warfstache at your service,” he said, his tone happy and light.

I giggled in spite of myself. “So glad to have made your acquaintance, King Wilford.”

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