Chapter 4

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We met kings Dark and Wilford at the stables. Apparently, King Wilford had spotted a particular soldier and wanted to talk with them. King Dark went to hunt him down before he got too nosy. We found them conversing to each other in the stables, King Wilford looking slightly chagrined while petting a horse. They both turned to us when they heard our footsteps approaching. King Wilford smiled at me sheepishly while King Dark looked surprised.

“I am very sorry I ran away from you,” King Wilford said, scratching the back of his head, his cheeks slightly red. “My curiosity often gets the best of me sometimes.”

I smiled warmly back at me. “It’s fine, I understand. I am a very curious person as well.”

He laughed and clapped his hands. “Well then, curiosity may kill both of the cats.” He offered his arm and I took it, twining my other with King Dark’s arm. Anti had left me to look at the horses.

“Do you have a horse here?” King Dark asked.

I nodded and pointed down the stables. “I have a beautiful mare down there. Her name is Belle.”

“A beautiful name,” King Dark commented, looking down at me. “She belongs to such a wonderful mistress.”

I blushed, once again. King Dark had a habit of doing that. Not that I really minded it.

“Ah, quit being such the flatterer, Darky,” King Wilford said, voicing my thoughts. “You're not giving the rest of us a chance!”

King Dark chuckled and I heard Lord Anti snort behind us. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

I rolled my eyes slightly as the two men started bickering and escaped from their grips. I walked over to Lord Anti, who was petting Belle.

“She is a very nice steed,” he said.

Belle snickered appreciatively and rubbed her nose on his hand. I reached into my pocket and held out a slice of an apple I stole for her from breakfast. She ate it up quickly and eagerly. I smiled and scratched her snout.

Lord Anti laughed. “You've got her spoiled.”

I shrugged, grinning. “I only try to give her a little at a time so she doesn't get used to it.”

He snorted. “Doesn't seem like you're doing a good job of it.”

King Wilford dissected himself from King Dark to inspect Belle with us. “Do you go riding with her often?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I usually do. Though it has been a while since I took her out on a run.”

He nodded as well. “I consider myself a fine equestrian.  We should go riding some time.”

I smiled broadly up at him. “Sounds like a wonderful idea.” I turned to King Dark. “Would you like to join us sometime?”

King Dark looked pained; his lips were pulled back in a terse, worried line and his brows were furrowed. “No...I…,” he said, faltering. “I don't think I’ll join you both. I'm not much of a horse rider.”

I tilted my head up at him, myself starting to worry. I opened my mouth to say something, but King Wilford interrupted me.

“Let us go see this magnificent garden you won’t stop talking about!” he said.

With one last worried look to King Dark, I linked my arm with King Wilford’s and we made our way to the garden again. We didn't have to make any stops this time, as King Wilford was too excited at the prospect of my garden to want to wander off. When we were at the garden gates a few minutes later, I had totally forgotten why I was worried.

I stepped forward and out of their grasps, reaching into my pocket for the key I kept in my pocket at all times. I unlocked the large, silver gates and pushed them open.

All at once, a shower of color burst through the gates. Flowers of every color, shape, and size spilled out from behind the walkway, overflowing onto the bricks.

My body immediately relaxed. I loved it in here. The fresh air and beautiful scenery calmed me. I often found myself her if I’d had a bad day.
King Wilford separated from us again. He inspected a pink rose of Sharon bush.

“He has a fondness for the color pink, doesn't he?” I asked King Dark.

He nodded. “Yes, that he does.”

Lord Anti grunted beside me. He had taken King Wilford’s space beside me. “‘S weird if you ask me.

“Yes, but nobody asked you, did they?” King Dark said sharply, glaring at Lord Anti.

Lord Anti growled low in his throat. King Dark’s grip on my arm tightened. I swallowed nervously. I didn't want them to fight, but I didn't know how to stop them.

King Wilford unknowingly saved me. He emerged from where we had left him, waving excitedly.

“Darky! You must come see this!” he exclaimed. “It’s splendid!”

With a resigned sigh, King Dark left with King Wilford, leaving me alone, once again, with Lord Anti. He scoffed as the other two left.

“Posh bastard,” he muttered.

“You really don't like him, do you?” I asked.

“No an' I’m sure the feeling’s mutual.”

We strolled along in silence. Sometimes we would stop and he would ask me a question about a certain plant. I answered his questions clearly and brightly. We finally came to a bench and sat down. Lord Anti stretched out his legs and arms on the bench, inhaling deeply.

“Ya know,” he began, “this is really the only place where I feel comfortable.”

I smiled. “You're an outdoorsman?”
He nodded, smiling faintly. “It’s so peaceful and fresh.”

I leaned back against the bench and nodded with him. “Yes, the hustle and bustle of the city can get to me sometimes. I like to sit out here and think.”

Lord Anti just hummed. We sat in silence for a few minutes, just listening to our surroundings.

“Who was that man with you yesterday?” I asked, breaking the silence. “Marvin?”

“He's my magician,” Lord Anti explained. “He knows some magic. Keeps us out of trouble.”

“Interesting,” I said. “Did he stay, or did he go back?”

“He stayed,” Lord Anti said. “He said he wanted a good look in your library or somethin’ like that.”

Before I could say anything else, a loud thunderclap resonated through the garden, startling me. We both looked up at the sky; dark gray clouds were quickly moving our way.

“We better get in,” Lord Anti said, standing up and holding out a hand for me.

“But what about King Dark and King Wilford?” I asked, worried.

“I’m sure they’ll find their way,” Lord Anti said.  “They're smart. Now come on, I don't think you wanna get your dress wet. I know I don't wanna get my hair wet.”

We ran, laughing, to the cover of the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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