Chapter 3: "Mami"

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~Normani's POV~

As we reach the empty hallway outside the party, Lauren confusedly spoke up: "Guys, did you hear anything?" The question immediately made Ally clung onto the Polynesian beside her.

"No..." I shook my head. "Are you imagining things, Lo?"

"No no, mani. Listen!" The girl denied, made me do as I was told.

"Wait girl, she's right." Dinah furrowed her eyebrows in concentration. They were right! There was a faint sound of...

"Crying." Lauren mumbled, and ran towards the sound, the rest of us followed closely behind. Ally, in the other hand, shook her head violently. "Guys, I don't wanna go."

"It's ok Als. We'll stay with you." Dinah soothed the older girl and I agreed, seeing the brunette was a little too far to call back. We watched as Lauren turned the corner and got out of sight. Well, this is getting scary..

The cries suddenly small down into sniffs and I could hear footsteps walking towards us; in the dimmed light of the hall, this sure look like a horror movie. Ally's heavy breathing could be heard, obvious fear in every breath; Dinah's whisper also, trying to calmed the older girl down. I tighten my grip on the 27 year-old's hand, gently stroke my fingers over her palm, not breaking my gaze from the dark end of the hall.

A figure,... no, two approached us from afar making my heart raced as they got closer and closer.

"Guys, it's me. Calm down." The familiar husky voice immediately steady my heartbeat, along with Ally's breathing. Lauren stepped into the light, a sniffing toddler on her hips.

"You scared the shit out of us, gurl! Smallz almost had an attack." Dinah let out a breath she was holding, at the same time earning a smack from Ally. "Language!"

The Latina passed me the girl in her arms and turned to hug a still slightly blue Ally. "I'm sorry AllyCat, I didn't mean to." She said in a baby voice. Ugh, this girl, I swear...

"Is she lost?" I asked while examining the child as the other two broke their hug. The little girl was wearing a pink princess dress with her hair loose and a tiara on top. She wore tiny white Converse with... black banana socks? Huh, that's weird??

(A/N: Pictures below but imagine it with details above 😉)

(A/N: Pictures below but imagine it with details above 😉)

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"Mani, are you ok?" Dinah said, waving her hand in front of my face

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"Mani, are you ok?" Dinah said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Uhm yes... no... I'm fine... sorry. You were saying?"

"Lauren was saying the girl IS lost and we should give her to securities before we leave."

"Oh... ok, I agree." I said, yawning.

"Tired?" Lauren giggled and I just nodded. "We all are."

"Have you ask her anything?"

"I tried," The brunette sighed. "She wouldn't say a word."

"Nothing? Not even her name?"

"Nope." Dinah butted in, popping the 'P', making us laughed. These girls, I swear they're too cute sometimes.

"Who do you think are her-" A familiar voice interrupted me. "Baby!"

"-parents?" I finished my sentence and turned to look along with the girls.

Camila Cabello???

The four of us stood silently in pure shock, looking at out former bandmate. After 4 years, nothing changed, still that smile, that voice, those raven locks. And according to the banana socks, the little girl next to Lauren and I...

"Mami!" A cute baby voice yelled out as the toddler released our hands and jumped into Camila's arms. Our eyes widen.

"D- Did she just say 'Mami'?" Ally asked, shock in her voice. None of us answered her, Lauren, Dinah and I just stared in shock and Camila, in the other hand, stood up to walk away, trying her best to ignore us.

"Let's go honey." She took the little girl's hand, but the child stood her ground, looked back at us.

"Mami, they 'elp. They good, mami? Can I talk?" The toddler pointed her tiny finger at us, making her 'mami' levered herself down to the girl.

"I don't know if they're good. But you can say 'thank you' to them, Quincy." As soon as Camila finishes her answer, Quincy let go of her hand and ran towards us.

"Tank you for 'elp." She grinned, receiving 4 smiles back, but a sigh from her mother. "Alright, come on."

"Wait!" Dinah yelled and grabbed the Cuban's wrist, causing the singer to turned around in annoyance. "We need explanation, Camila!"

The girl just simply shook her head.

"It's been 4 years, Camz. You can't avoid it forever!"

Camila smiled slightly at the nickname but immediately covered it up with a sigh. "I'm sorry, I can't. Not here, not now."

"Then when?" Dinah snapped, making Ally and I squeezed her hands softly to comfort her - which worked.

"Next week. My place. I'll text." The young brunette sighed again, then took her daughter's hand and just disappear into the loud party inside.

A/N : What'sup beautiful people!

Thank you for reading this chapter (this story), I hope y'all enjoyed it😘. This is a much longer chap than the last one I wrote and there's still so much more to come. 

So.. Fifth Harmony is taking a break to purse solo endeavors. It's just a break, our girls need it. This actually should be a happy news for us (tho I kinda bawled my eyes out). This is their chance to be able to fully explore themselves as an artist and a human being also. They took this break at a high note, meaning they're still happy with each other and supporting one another. I'm pretty sure when they're back, they'll be much stronger as individuals, as singers, as a group too. This journey is one hell of a ride and it's not ending just yet; just splitting into 4 lanes that will eventually rejoined at some point in the future. We gonna support L.A.N.D. in their solo projects and whatever it is in stored for us in the future, and we're happy as long as they're happy. Fifth Harmony forever!

I will continue this story, as well as all of my unpublished Fifth Harmony fanfics. I hope y'all will continue to read and enjoy them.

Hope y'all have nice day. Once a Harmonizer, always a Harmonizer!!!

Quote of the day: ⬇⬇⬇

Quote of the day: ⬇⬇⬇

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