Chapter Two {Complete}

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Chapter Two


I lived. 

Oh my gosh.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I'm supposed to be dead. 

These thoughts haunted me as I ran down the staircase. I didn't know what to do. Should I be terminated and make things right?  Should I go to the Doctors and told them that they made a mistake? When I reached the bottom of the stairs, my parents gazed at me, a million different expressions flashing over their faces all at once. Then both of their faces settled into one thing- determination. They soon swooshed over to me like flocking birds, and started observe my arms, wrists, and fingers. 

"Open your fist Nia."

"Circulate your wrist, Nia" 

"Rotate your shoulder, Nia" after about an hour of these various commands, my parents finally showed some actual human reaction.

"Nia... you have to listen..." My mother started. 

"We've always known about this honey. But this is serious. You need to go into my closet, and in the bottom right corner, you will find a small wooden button. Press that button, and there should be a silver backpack in there. Please go and get it for me, my back can't bend that way anymore"

I ran upstairs as fast as I could, and sprinted into my mother and father's room. I opened my mom's closet, and pushed the mounds of neatly folded clothes around, until I finally found it. Wow, when she said small, the was overreacting. This wooden button was minuscule, almost nonexistent. I needed to grab a pencil, and with the tip of that, I just barely managed to click the button into the correct position.  A small trapdoor opened, and the backpack was there, sitting patiently and comfortably in the compartment. I grabbed the silver bag in a flash and hustled downstairs. When I reached the main level, my dad said two simple words;

"Open It." 


I unzipped the bag with extreme caution. Inside, I noticed a small necklace- silver, a little bit rusty.  At the end of the long chain, was a watch. It wasn't just a normal watch though, it looked like a fancy, expensive watch. It had a beautiful pearl time plate and exquisite diamond hands. The glass protecting the face of the watch was crystal clear, like it was cleaned every single day. I looked up at my parents expectantly, as if to say, "Is this MINE?" My mother looked at my father, and they both smiled before my mother turned to me and nodded. I put the watch around my neck.

"This necklace used to be mine, with the backpack." My mother started.

"I love with this beautiful thing... but why? Why now? Why didn't you give this to me before I was supposed to be DEAD?" I was starting to get fired up now. 

"Justin..." My mom looked genuinely hurt. 

"Nia Fields. Do not talk to your mother that way. Besides, we knew this all along. I was the first to discover that this would likely happen to you.'' 

"Dad, what was going to happen to me?" I was very scared to hear what he had to say, but I needed answers. 

"Nothing more, I don't think! Well, nothing physical. Nia, do you know what your name means?" 

"Um... no."

"It means bright. We knew, the second you were born, that you would be the light of our entire world. But before I explain this all to you, you must remember this. Never light your light dim. Never let anybody hurt you. Now, this will be a lot of information for you to take in. Let us know when you've had enough or need a break. Your mother went through the exact same thing. Nia, turn over the watch."

I took the watch in my hand and flipped it to its back. My fingers ran over another quote, this one was scribbled across the back in neat cursive. It read, 'In a certain world, time is a paradox. One day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is one day.'

"What does it mean?" I asked my parents. 

"You better sit down Nia... this one's crazy." 

<<< Author's Note,

Who likes it? I love it, super excited! Sorry I haven't written in a while, my dad's been working at home during my Wattpad hours! I'll try and get the third chapter up by Sunday! 

love and watches,

emily rose >>>

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