Chapter Eight {Complete}

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Chapter Eight

I hadn't seen Flynn since the fair ended last Sunday. It was Wednesday now, and I was wondering where he was and how he could help me. Future-Nia told me that he would hold all the answers. I had a pretty good idea what these answers were for. Me surpassing my date. The whole reason that I am where I am right now. I guess that i've made it this far, I was meant to do something. There was nothing seriously wrong with this world, though. Except for the fact that people were constantly haunted with their looming demise.

As I sat by the tree when I first met Flynn, I gave this whole thing a ton of thought. I sat for hours, just brainstorming. I decided to walk home, because even it was the middle of July, it was 70 degrees (Fahrenheit) out. I walked home where Dominic was hiding by the front door. I thought that he was hiding to try and scare me. I couldn't be more wrong. There was blood dripping over his cheeks, from a gash in his head. He had a limp, his arms were cut and bruised, and his nose looked like it had been bashed in. I saw somebody dash into the front of the yard. He had red hair, and he looked in was worse condition then Dominic. As red-haired boy ran in front of Dominic's hiding spot, Dominic leaped out and landed on red-haired boy. Dominic had him in a choke hold when I ran in and threw Dominic off red-haired boy, which ended up being Flynn.

I pinned Dominic, and he tried to escape from my grasp. In a second, he got a burst of strength and flipped me over, and then I was pinned. His hands tightened on my shoulders, and he smashed my head repeatedly on the grass until I felt something hot trickling down my head. I head a horrified yelp behind me, and it was Flynn. Dominic jumped off me and sprinted away. I saw Flynn approach me slowly, and I reached a hand up and touched the back of my head. It burst in pain, and my hand came back covered in blood. I started to black out and my nose started to bleed. I strived to stay awake. Flynn lifted me up in his arms.. He asked me if I was awake...


I woke up in my bed. The curtains weren't letting any light in. I sat up. Ugh. I was getting pretty annoyed of waking up in this room not knowing how I got there. I craned my neck and looked at my bedside clock- 4:38 a.m. I touched the back of my head, and even though it exploded in pain, it was clean and bandaged. I still managed to get up and stumble downstairs. I saw Flynn asleep on the floor, an open first aid box sitting beside him. He was still looking pretty beat up. His arms and chest were cut and bruised, his leg had about 3 minor wounds, but his head had received quite a few major gashes. He had thorns in his legs from the bushes, and his lip was cut. Most had healed surprisingly nicely overnight, but there was still an amount of dried blood crusting his skin.

I checked to make sure that he was out, and I could plainly tell by the little high-pitched snore he occasionally let out. I got to work cleaning him up. I took some tweezers and plucked the thorns from his legs. I took an antiseptic wipe, cleaned his wounds and cuts, and bandaged each one. I put small plastic bags with ice on the bruises, then I sat next to him, making sure that the ice didn't melt. I grabbed him a pillow too, and gently slid it under his head.

He looked at peace. I sat there for a long time. Maybe too long... I checked for his pulse. His heart was still beating. It was 5:48 a.m. right now. The sun rose at around seven, so I had a little bit of time to waste. I replaced the ice, and Flynn woke up. He stood up surprisingly well and looked me right in the eye. He spoke with a torn up voice;

"What were you doing?"

"I cleaned your cuts and put bandages on them." If he was just going to be rude, then I should have just let him bleed out on my floor.

"Thanks." Flynn gave me a genuine smile, which made me blush like crazy. What the heck. He was just some stupid guy.

"Oh, no problem."

He reached out a bruised hand and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. His touch gave me butterflies. Lately, everything seemed to be rushed. But this moment was slow, calmed. The fading moonlight dripped into the dimly lit room.

There was so much suspense, so much anticipation, I couldn't take it anymore.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. I've never actually kissed anybody before, so I don't know what I was thinking. It turned out that I was a natural, everything just came to me like it was a sixth sense. For a second, he just stood there, frozen. Then he placed his hands lightly, but not too lightly, on my hips. He tilted his head to his right, then kissed me back. We were moving together in beautiful, perfect sync. I had 4 inches of space in between us, and my skin itched to get closer. So I did. I stepped a little closer. 3 inches. Flynn got the message and did the same. 2 inches. My skin was burning. He stepped in again. 1 inch. 1 small, teeny tiny inch separating me, the book reader, and him, the book destroyer. I closed the distance, and his hands ran up my back, pulling me into him. I ruffled his hair, then pulled back to get a deep breath, with our noses still touching. I smiled, and he smiled back. That was the last thing before I dove into him again.

<<< Author's Note;

... Wow. I have absolutely no idea where that came from. But it sure felt good to write!

love and breath mints,

emily >>>

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