Chapter Five {Complete}

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Chapter Five


I sat on the bench, in the alleyway that I visited on the first day I ever travelled back in time. The day was dark, with heavy clouds. Not a single drop of rain had fallen from the heavens that day. Both my parents had passed exactly a month before, today. They lined up with their date, anyway. Exactly two months after I had last seen Dominic. Hm. Funny how things lined up.

The last month has been horrible. My parents had left everything to me- the house electric and water bills had been payed in advance, leaving the next seventy-five years totally paid. All I had to do now was get a job, which I had gratefully acquired. I was a waitress in a cute teen diner. Day after day, I waited on couples, and varying groups of girls and boys. I gave advice to the broken-hearted, and got a few extra dollars in return. But I didn't need the tips, just helping people to see the light in their situation was enough.

After about a week or so after two months of employment, I had been promoted to manager, and now I was working twelve-hour shifts. I no longer had the will or energy to time travel anywhere but my home and my job.

One day, at the beginning of my 14th straight hour working, a strange guy walked into the diner. He had a black sweater on, common this time of year. His huge brown eyes caught mine for. moment- but after I blinked, we was gone. 

'It's the fatigue' I managed to convince myself. He looked strangely like Dominic, but in sure it wasn't him. At least I hope it wasn't. Last time I looked in the mirror, it was pretty horrifying. I had dark circles under my eyes, my shirt was splattered with grease, the black of my mascara was smudged down my cheeks from wiping my exhausted eyes, and my hairstyle was basically composed with fly-a-ways. I'm surprised that he didn't throw up when he made eye contact with me.

I ran into the break-room to grab a bottle of Gatorade (Lemon-lime, my favorite.) and to clean up a bit. I walked into the family restroom, switched my shirt, replaced and cleaned my makeup, covered up my dark circles, and re-did my braid. I walked out looking my almost-kind of-pretty self. I walked out, then walked back in because I forgot my order pad, and walked out again, this time falling out of the doorway and landing flat on my face, which got some laughs out of basically every person in the diner. 

Sighing, I got up and got to work.


Finally, it was time to go home, sleep for about eight hours, then get up and go back to work. I clicked open my necklace, and set the date. 8/25/54. I popped into the present, right where I had left off. It was 1:02 p.m. present time, and 9:02 p.m. job time, according to the two clocks in my foyer. I always kept both times handy, just in case. I ran upstairs, took a quick shower, set my alarm clock for 7:35 a.m. so I could report to work at eight, and brushed my teeth. I shut off the light, and fell into a restless sleep.

<<< Author's Note;

Hey guys! I'm on vacation this very moment! However, I won't be publishing this until I get back! I've also updated a couple chapters, just correcting typos and stuff! I haven't had access to a laptop or a PC and my wifi connection hasn't worked well in three days. So this will be published in three to four days. I love you all a ton, thanks sooo much for waiting!

love and pickles,

emily >>>

When Time Runs OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora