Chapter Seven {Complete}

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Chapter Seven 

I walked into the gate, day 2 of the fair. I don't know why I wanted to come back, I just did. I came back with another book, but this time, I was alone. I sat down by the exact tree, slipped on my reading glasses, and started to read. About an hour into A Midsummer Night's Dream, I was interrupted by, yet again, mean book-destroying boy. He sort of booked me, slapping A Midsummer Night's Dream out of my hands and into my lap. Then he tossed another book at me, and it landed smack-dab onto my chest, which hurt. A lot. I picked up the projectile and realized that it was The Comedy of Errors. It was fixed up pretty nicely, but it had a certain smell that I couldn't identify. I don't think I really wanted to know. I grabbed some sweet-smelling body mist that I had created myself, and spritzed it on the book. I looked up at mean book-destroying boy with confusion, he shrugged. 

"Thanks... um..."


"Thank you Flynn. Is this still my same book?"

"Uh, no. I wouldn't dig around in the trash for a girl. This was my copy. " 


"Whatever. Bye, loser."

Well, that didn't hurt all. I shrugged and opened the book to the back of the cover, and on it, scribbled in little boy writing, was a name. 

flYNn mAcNtire

I expected a gong to go off in my head, or realize that he was my long-lost love, or long-lost brother, or long-lost friend. Nothing. Not a bell was rung. I glanced to the right of the row of trees that I was sitting in. The carnival was going on, with rides and popcorn and ice cream and funnel cakes. To my right, there was a plain, about the size of a football field. At the end, there was a little playground. I looked to my right again. A group of mean-looking girls in crop tops passed by. Left, a few kids, about 11, were playing on the field. A couple was laying down in the grass by a remote tree in the field, probably talking. I decided to resume reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, because it was temporarily semi-quiet. It didn't last long though, about five minutes later they started karaoke in the main tent. I grabbed my backpack, packed it up with my books, slid off my reading glasses, and walked to the playground.

I sat on a swing and just chilled for a bit. A little child, a girl with big brown eyes approached me and climbed up on the swing next to me. 

"Hi!!" She said with a squeaky voice. She was very cute, and she wore a little pink skirt and a white  shirt  that displayed a ladybug on it. Her auburn hair was in pigtails, not a strand out of place. They looked tight- I wonder if they hurt. She reached over, and with a tiny hand, grabbed the sleeve of my t-shirt and squealed,

"My name is Charlotte! My mommy's name is Nia. I am five. Wanna be friends? What's your name? How old are you?"

"Hi Charlotte. My name is also Nia. I'm 14 years old. I would love to be friends with you."

"Hi Mia! Can we be best friends?"

"My name is Nia, and of course we can, Charlotte! 

"That's what I said, Mia."

"Sorry! You're right." I agreed with her. 

"MOMMYYY!" Charlotte yelled right in my ear, I have no idea why. A muscular woman with semi-long black hair was sitting on a bench, reading. She looked up, slid off her reading glasses, put her book down, and hurried over. That's when I saw a flash of the cover. A Midsummer Night's Dream, the exact cover I had. It was worn down, like it had been used for years. She jogged over, and picked up Charlotte. 

"Hi, sorry about her!" She spoke with a strong, stable voice. 

"It's alright. She's really cute. How-"

"Hold on a sec. Shush." She commanded at me. Then she grabbed her collar, and pulled out a silver chain with a beautiful watch. Just. Like. Mine. I pulled mine out too, and we flipped ours over simultaneously. They both had the exact same quote. We looked at each other in amazement. I managed to squeak out a question...

"When's your birthday..."

She answered the question in a millisecond, like her birth date was the only thing she knew. 

"February 14, 2040."

"That's mine too"

"Oh my goodness! What year is this?"


"Listen, Nia."

"I never told you my name."

"I know your name because I am you. Listen. We can't touch. We can't communicate. I can't tell you anything about the future. FLYNN!" That's when an attractive man in with auburn hair jumped off the playground, sprinted up to future me. 

"I can probably tell you one thing about the future. You'll be alright. Just keep going. Goodbye Nia..."


"Oh! A Midsummer Night's Dream has the answers. I've got my copy... check out yours."

And with that, she was gone. But I might as well take her advice. I reached for my backpack and reading glasses, then flipped to every page. On the exact middle page, where the binding was, there was a little note. 

"This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,

May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet." 

It was a quote from Romeo and Juliet. It was a proclaimination of love. Next thing I knew, I had one question and one question only. 

Where was Flynn?

<<< Author's Note;

Thank you guys for your patience! I love you all! Almost 200 reads is a dream come true! Thank you all so much. 

love and Shakespeare {my new-found addiction},

emily >>>

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