Part 1

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Peter's POV 

I was on my way home to my aunt May to spent the weekend, I started to do that after I started to live in my stepdads' (Tony Stark and Steve Rogers) house after what happened with my parents and uncle Ben. My parents and my uncle Ben died when I was 4 years old, and when I turn 6 years Tony and Steve took me in as their son. 

It's Friday and it has been some weeks since Gwen and I broke up, which have been a pain in the ass and I really need to move on, she has, so why can't I? That's why I made a deal with my friend Mary Jane to help her with some homework, mostly because I really need someone to talk to. 

On the way, we stop by a Mexican restaurant and we were lucky that we even get a table. Well, it was around 7 pm when we walked over to our table and after some minutes, this guy walked over to us.

''Hey MJ. Can I borrow one of your chairs?'' This guy was wearing a red hoodie with a cap and a cotton mask with a hello kitty pattern on it to make so sure that no one could see his face.
''Hey Wade, why don't you just sit with us? We can just move some of the books.'' She said, Mary Jane clearly know this guy named Wade.

''Thanks,'' he sat down in the chair beside Mary Jane. He pulls down his cotton mask to right under his mouth so he could start eating his food, which to me looks like chimichangas. His face was full of small scars, he was beautiful in his own way. 

So I had totally stop listen to their conversation that moment Wade started to talk to Mary Jane. I was clearly at starring at this handsome guy and I'm sure he noticed that I was staring at him when our eyes connected. He started to smile, I could feel my face heat up.

''I'm Wade and what's your name Baby boy?''
''Wade!?'' Mary Jane said loud enough so all in the room could hear it. ''You can't just call people that.''
''Why not? Look at him, he's totally a baby boy to me.'' 
''He just got out of a relation-''

''It's not Baby boy, it's Peter...'' Both of them look at me as I took something to drink. I look at them, Wade was smiling at me and I could feel my face heat up again, I look away quickly. 

''Peter...'' Wade whisper to himself and some few seconds later he said ''I like it...'' 
''Wade, don't flirt that much with Peter when we're making homework.''
''Can't help it...'' Wade winked at me and write something down and give it to me, ''Here...''

''What is that?'' I asked taking the note.
''My number...''

''You number?'' I said as I stared at the note for a moment then back at Wade who was smiling at me, ''Why?''

''Why? Well, you see, I don't have so many friends after what happened between me and my ex-girl for some years ago...'' Wade said like it was nothing. ''So I thought that you could use some fun in your life after your break up... And I know it can be a pain in the ass but it will get better... You just have to see things a bit different...'' I looked at the note again.
''Thanks, Wade...'' 

2 hours went on by talking, Wade flirting with me and Mary Jane tried to tell him to stop but he didn't.

''Peter?'' Mary Jane get my attention.
''Your phone. It's ringing.'' 
''I have to take it, I will be right back,'' I said as walked out and took the call.

''Hey dad(Tony)...''
''Hey Petey, have May call you yet?'' 
''No, she hadn't. Why?''
''She just called me to tell that she's sick, and it would be a bad idea to go visit her.''
''Is she okay?''
''She told me that she will need some days to get over it.''
''That's a good thing she's getting better.''
''It is...Are you coming home today then?''
''I think so...''
''Well, both me and pops ain't home tonight. So just be home before Jarvis lock all the doors around 10 pm. Okay?''
''Right, well, see you around dad.''
''Yea... See you later son.'' 

I hung up the call with my dad and walked back in. Mary Jane and Wade were talking about something.
''So Peter, what did your dad want?''
''Well, Aunt May is sick so I have to go home today...''
''That's a long way home...''
''It's only a half hour from here...''

''I can walk you home...'' Both Mary Jane and I starred at Wade, who was in the middle of eating his sixth chimichangas.
''You don't have to...'' I said as I started to put my books in my bag. ''I have to be home before Jarvis lock all the doors, 'course I didn't bring my keys...''

''When is that?'' Mary Jane asked.
''Around 10 pm.'' I checked my watch and it said 9 pm.' ''If I go now I should be able to home before Jarvis lock it all up.''
''Well, I guess I will see you at school on Monday then...''
''Yeah... Bye...'' I said as I started to walk but stop when I heard Wade tell Mary Jane that he was going the same way as me.

''Did you wait for me?'' Wade asked as we start to walk again.
''No... I just heard you're going the same way as me.''
''Well, I will walk you  home as I want to...''

~A half hour later~

''Well, I have to go that way now... Will you be alright by yourself?'' Wade asked and looked at me.
''Yeah... It's just a few blocks from here...'' It was easy to see Stark Tower from here.
''Are you looking at Stark Tower?'' I nodded, ''I always wondered what it is like to live a place like that...''

''It's not that wonderful...'' I could feel Wade staring at me.
''What do you mean?''

''Okay... Just call me anytime or if you're just bored...''
''Right... Goodnight Wade...''
''Night Baby boy...'' Wade said as walked off, I couldn't help smiling the rest of the way home.

Wade's POV 

As I walked home, (White) and [Yellow] start to argue about that I should have taken Peter with me or not and why.

(Why didn't you take him into an alley?) 
[We could have fucked him...] 
(Or maybe just kissed him... With tongue...)
'I can't do that, besides, we want him to like us... I mean, it not like I didn't want to do him but we do have some work to do...'

A few minutes later I receive a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Wade. I just remember that you give me your number without receiving mine. So now you have it. ~Peter.

(It's our Baby boy. Save the number before you forget it.)
'Just a second' I saved his number under the name Baby boy. 'There...'
(Write back to him.)
'Take it easy...'

Wade: Hey Baby boy. Did you home already?
BabyBoy: You don't have to call me that... But yeah, I just got inside... Did you get home?
Wade: I'm almost there but I have to work tonight... 
BabyBoy: If you're free tomorrow would you like to hang out with me?
Wade: Sure... My place? Your place? Or somewhere else? 

(Way to go Wade!) White was really on to something, (It's going to like a date with a friend.')

BabyBoy: At Your place if it's okay...
Wade: Sure... How about you just come when you feel like it, how does that sound?
BabyBoy: Great... See you tomorrow then...
Wade: Yeah... Here's my address... [Wade's address]
BabyBoy: Thanks... 
Wade: And if I'm asleep just use the window...

'Well, now we get work...'
[Let's us get it over quick...]
'Who was that again?'
(A rapist... No one is going to miss him anyway...)
'Perfect...' as I walked, (White) and [Yellow] start to give me good ideas to kill this guy. 

Spideypool ~Meeting him~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang