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Hi, I'm Hong Jisoo. And let me just start off by saying, that damn rumor ruined what was my life.

I have no family life. I'm an orphan and have been stuck in a damn orphanage since I was born. Those kids there are the closest I have to family.  My birth parents maybe weren't ready for kids yet, so I understand. I don't know for sure, but I want to try and find them. It's sad really. Not many kids get adopted because most people want to have their own kids. So I have to watch the many faces of disappointment every single day, when no one comes in or when someone does and they actually decide to adopt someone. They all cry and I don't understand why. I've always wanted my family to come back for me, but when I was around eight years old, I realized that wasn't happening. I have a few months until I'm out of here and I'll be glad to leave.

Then there's my life, my social life.

Or what used to be my social life. People liked me. I had friends, lots of them. I was in clubs, on teams, I was the top of the food chain. I was dating one of the most popular guys in school. But that's what did it for me. That's where my life went downhill.

That damn rumor ruined my social life.

<Edit> I'm redoing this but it's Wonshua now. :) Anywhoo...

Ships include: (obvs rare bc I'mma hoe for em)

[This was gonna have minchan and verkwan but I realized how much of a hoe I am for Gyuboo so...]

Let me know what you think. Leave comments, I like reading them😊😊

Love you babies 💛💛


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