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I stand behind the counter of the quiet cafe I work in. Today is especially slow, so I'm bored out on my mind. The smell of freshly baked pastries waft through the air, filling the interior. I sigh heavily and stare down at the powder pink counter top, using my finger to trace the intricate designs. The bell on the door chimes, signaling that it's been opened.

"Oh hey, Josh." I immediately tear my eyes from the countertop, instead looking to the source of the greeting. Wonwoo.

"Following me at work too now, huh?" I lean down on my elbow and rest my chin on my hand.

"No actually. I came because my mom wanted something. How long have you been working here?" Wonwoo sits in a stool and crosses his arms across the counter top. He smiles politely, waiting for an answer.

"Two months. So actually not long at all. What did you want to order?" He nods, telling me that he needs and iced Americano and a caramel macchiato. He watches intently while I completed the order and set the cups on the counter in front of him.

"What do you want to do the project about?" He pulls the money from his pocket, sliding it across the marble top.

"The nervous system. Don't try and stay to talk that'll get warm." He looks a bit disappointed at my dismissing him, but nods and leaves whispering a quick 'bye Josh'.


I close the door behind me and hang my bag on its hook. Yes we have those, and instead of keeping our belongings in our bedrooms like normal people, we have to do this. I slowly stalk to my shared room, a bit tired from the day.

"Shuaa guess what?" Minghao bounces happily behind me as I enter the room, probably having just showered.

"Hmm?" I slip my shoes off next to the bedframe and then move to my dresser.

"I made the dance team." I turn to him with wide eyes to see a bright smile across his lips.

"What? That's great, I'm so proud. I told you you'd make it."

"But I'm so nervous. Everyone else is so good and like...what if I mess up? What if they kick me out because of my disability? What if I make myself look like a complete fool in front of Soonyoung? Josh I didn't think about this earlier oh my goodness I'm gonna faint." He fans himself with his hand, looking genuinely distressed about the situation.

"Well first of all, if you make a misstep you can always keep practicing, they won't kick you out. Secondly, I'm pretty sure you won't make a fool of yourself, you're like awesome. So calm down. Also, when are you gonna grow some balls and actually talk to Soonyoung like a normal human? Ya know, say hi and shit like that?" Minghao sighs, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"You don't get it. He's like...a god or something I can't just talk to him. I really didn't think this through. I will be spending every day from 2:45 to 6pm in the same room as him, the same guy I have had a crush on for like... forever. Fuck I'm so gay for him. Josh hellpppp." He grumbles for a bit about how it's "too much for his little heart to take" and how he'll "have a mental breakdown any moment".

"Well calm down for now. If you're freaking out how are we gonna laugh at Hansol when he comes back and tells us about how nervous he was with Chan?" Minghao perks up instantly.

"You're right. This is one emotional rollercoaster." He leans against the bunk bed, smirking.

"Wait. Doesn't the dance team have a group chat? Why don't you just text Soonyoung?" Before he can answer, Hansol barges into the room and flops on to my bed.

"I'm an idiot and that's the tea." I snicker lowly before exchanging glances with Minghao.

"What'd you do this time." Hansol sits up on the bed and looks between the two of us.

"Firstly I kept stuttering, like what? And then I tripped and fell flat on my face in the theater lobby. We went out for dinner and he said it felt like a date, I blushed like a madman and instead of saying something I shoved a fuck ton of food in my mouth. When we got back to his house he said he had fun and I said 'heh heh nice' who the fuck even says that? It was awkward as hell and then by the grace of God I accidentally confessed my undying love for him. Before he could react I ran away. I fuckin ran away. This is certainly one for the books."

"You absolute moron. You blew it. You had your shot...and fuckin blew it. Ya know, I'm suddenly feeling more confident in talking to Soonyoung. I'll be back." Minghao snatches his phone off his bed and walks out of the room.

"So instead of trying know...get with ran away. Now what if he feels the same way and is sitting in his room completely and utterly confused as to why you ran away? How do you plan on fixing this?"

"By jumping off of a cliff..." He nods, determined with his decision.

"Jesus, did none of you learn basic human communication? Just talk to Him. I'm sure there's no way this could get worse." He sighs and whines like a toddler.

"Fine." Before anything else could happen, there's a knock at the door. Both of our gazes shifted to our self proclaimed 'Den Mother' Mrs. Kang. She's a small woman in her late 40's, she works here Mondays through Fridays. It probably isn't the safest system, because she works 5 am 10 pm, we're alone for the rest of the time. What if something happens and she isn't here? Guess we'll never know.

She stands in the doorway smiling politely, another person next to her.

"Good evening boys. I wanted to introduce you to your new roommate." New?

"Um..but our room is full?" It was full...was. Just yesterday 6 people slept here, but I look around and it's only now that I notice that the bed that belonged to Jae is now stripped of its bedding, fresh ones folded and placed on the mattress.

"Oh. Well then, hi. I'm Josh." I blink a few times, trying to remember if Jaehyung said anything to me about leaving. The new guy next to her seems pretty timid, almost shy. But the moment I greeted him he perked up a bit. He steps into the room, followed by Mrs. Kang and her dolly that she uses for luggage. She smiles and waves before dismissing herself from the room.

"Hi. I'm Jihoon."

I'm really excited for this story guys omg and I can't wait to start revealing everything and really get into the story line but I have to wait. And I love reading comments and reactions so like always do that.

I'm so excited and I hope y'all are gonna like this likeeee hhnnngggg.  Anywho while you wait check out By The Time You're Reading This I really like that one too and it's highkey a flop pls.

Leave comments guys I love them.

Love you babies 💛💛


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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