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6:27 AM, Wednesday

I hop out of bed, a bit wearily, not really having any motivation to get up. I look around and notice that my five roommates are still sleeping. I sigh quietly before climbing down the bunk. Right below, Xu Minghao is sleeping. He was brought here at age 2 when he and his parents were here on vacation, which ended in tragedy for the couple. It was a car accident and neither of them survived, just Minghao, who had to get his left arm amputated. But he's perfectly fine.

I lean over him and shake him awake.

"Hao! Hey, get up." He sits up and stares at the mattress through the darkness, giving himself time to adjust. In the next bunk over, Hansol is sleeping peacefully on the top bunk. He's been here since a week after birth, his parents weren't ready for a child then. I wake him too, and once both are climbing out of bed I speak again.

"If you're ready in thirty minutes I'll give you a ride to school." I exit the room to go to the bathroom across the hall. Being that there are 35 children here, we have four bathrooms. It's a normal house, just with hella people inside. We have to move homes nearly every year due to so many people living here and needing more bedroom space and bathrooms. It's pretty much an orphanage run like a foster home.

After I've taken a ten minute shower and taken care of the rest of my hygiene I throw on a pair of jeans and a simple black shirt with a jacket. I go back to my shared bedroom to grab my socks and shoes before heading down to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Minghao is already there, his left arm resting on the table in front of him as he ate a bowl of cereal. I pull a box of lucky charms from the cupboard and pop tart from the variety pack. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit down next to Hao as we eat in silence. Hansol joins us after a while but decides to just have an apple.

"You know, you need to eat actual food. If not you'll be really skinny." Minghao tells him, finishing up his food.

"Are you telling me from experience?" Hansol retorts with a slight smirk, causing us all to laugh.

"Whatever dude. You're always so quick to jump at food when you have the chance. Why not now?" Minghao places his bowl in the sink, opting to wash it later, soon followed by me.

"Chan and I are going to hang out later. And I'm not wanting to throw up all over him." I chuckle lightly.

"Wow, the Great Hansol, brought to his knees by Lee Chan."

"Stop teasing me. I'm seriously nervous. Like what if he only thinks that he likes me? And then we hang out and he realizes that he doesn't..."

"Then it'll be the same reaction that everyone has after hanging out with you. You should be fine." Minghao jokes, lifting his prosthetic off of the table and heading out of the kitchen with both of us behind him.

"How rude." I reach over and grab mine and Minghao's bags, and help him to put his arm on while Hansol still whines about how much he really likes Chan and that if he blows this it's the end of him.

"Hansol, relax. I'm just fucking around, trynna cheer you up a bit. You're way too tense about it. He'll still like you later."

"Let's go."

8:32 AM, the anatomy teacher, Mr. Kang, finishes the PowerPoint notes for the new unit and announces that we could work in pairs. I put my earbuds in and look down at my notes, making revisions. The stool next to me is pulled out and I can feel a pair of eyes boring into the side of my face. It starts to bother me so I look up to be face to face with Jeon Wonwoo. I roll my eyes and pulled one bud out.

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